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Old 10th May 2011, 21:42
Iain Torrance Iain Torrance is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 67
Iain Torrance is on a distinguished road
Re: 12 SQ Fairey Battle Loss questions for the WC of 1940


I'll reply to your PM.

L5241 was definitely burnt out after being brought (flown) back to base after Davy landed. Problem was holed fuel tanks. I interviewed a 12 Sqn ground crew who was one of a small group that returned after the retreat to collect the spares trailer. They also set fire to the fuel dump as the cans had not been pierced when set fire on the retreat!! They got out with the trailer just ahead of the Germans.

Anyways I showed him photos of the G burnt out and he confirmed (very certain) it was Davy's plane and it was as he left it. The other PM-G was identified as at Souge; a lot of photos of that one show destroyed Battles in the background. So that PH-G is was one of the repacements.

Best regards

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