Thread: James V. Crow
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Old 13th May 2019, 03:37
Mark VIII Mark VIII is offline
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 50
Mark VIII is on a distinguished road
Re: James V. Crow

James V. Crow will be missed much more than people in the Luftwaffe history community could know. Since the early 1960's James collected WWII Luftwaffe aircraft photos from German veterans and survivors while stationed in Germany. And it seems every day since. It is possible in the last thirty years James has more photographs in Luftwaffe books of merit than the Bundesarkive!
No one could appreciate the contribution James made to keeping the WWII Luftwaffe aircraft history flame alive, and accurate than the few who knew him best. I spent one day helping him track down homes of veterans on the East coat to convince the veterans to allow him to purchase originals, or copy the original aircraft photographs. The amount of time and money he spent attempting to obtain originals or copies of these photographs is incalculable! James V. Crow's contribution to WWII Luftwaffe history will not be fully appreciated for a while if ever. For people who published books with James' photographs, only they could appreciate the encouragement and help he provided to making that successful.
James was a friend and was a stable and good person. He will be missed and his legacy will be well understood by me.
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