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Old 1st September 2008, 21:46
Petitpoucet Petitpoucet is offline
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Re: May 14th 1940 and few little things

Thanks Robert for your nice message, and Thanks Juha for your kind remark. So, "detached in ground units" could be better.

Franek, i think it will take me more time to answer to you. But i think the discussion can be interesting.

First of all, in France, do you know that every pilots who fired an ennemy aircraft before it felt was credited with a complete victory ? For example, with the poor 7,5mm guns on their Curtisses, they were often a lot to destroy a Henshel 126 or a Heinkel 111.
Second point : i can understand that a pilot could be disappointed when one of his claim was not confirmed. But to say that french officers stole victories obtained by polish pilots, i think it is just a nonsense.
I studied a lot of reports, they are clear, and i never read or heard about something like that.
Could you give me some dates, some facts ? You have a lot of them as i can undestand.

About Villacoublay, and many other cases : just remember one word in France in june 1940 : disorder. I just tried to explain what happened in Villacoublay, but now, i don't really undestand what you want to tell me.

"They were not many polish aces..."
You're right. there were much czech aces because they joined groups equipped with better aircrafts (H-75, for example). On may 10th 1940, there were only four groups equipped with Curtisses, and the first one with new D.520 was operationnal two days later.
So, many Polish pilots used bad aircarfts (Caudron 714, MS 406) because they were the only ones available, but obtained many victories.
Many of them would become aces in the RAF where Hurricanes and Spitfires were available.

Laskiewicz joined a new formed group, the GC III/2, leaded by a great man, Cdt Geille, but he was not a great fighter pilot. The officers who leaded the two squadrons were not the best examples, but the group had great sub-officers. So i think i was not an anti-french propaganda, but the critiscim of his own group, and its commanding officers.

Hope i answered to all your questions,

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