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Old 2nd August 2013, 12:28
Adriano Baumgartner Adriano Baumgartner is offline
Alter Hase
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Adriano Baumgartner is on a distinguished road
Re: Crash place of Otto Kittel found

Dear Frank,

I did not know about that "biography" of Kittel...that's good news indeed! Maybe one day it will be edited in English too…

I do agreed with you that some well known historians SOME TIMES do not write with their heart, rather with economical interests, etc…taking notes from previous published works, etc…I have heard from RAF veterans, from instance, that some pictures they have “loaned” were never returned by some of those well known historians…Have heard too, by another historian that he still was not paid by the Editors, 7 or more years after they published his book…After some experiences, as a “sprog”/apprentice freelancer historian by hobby and passion” me too I learned that when you do pass information to some Editors in the UK, they do grab it and think in revenues for their own benefit…Just for an example…from my sample to one of those well known UK Houses, they managed to contact 2 veterans and edit their own memories…thanks to the tip and ADDRESSES that was on letters I had received from the veterans themselves (that were on my book)…I am happy for the vets, who had their own stories published/edited…but it was not a fair play by the Editors.

I do write for passion (not for living) and up to now, my only edited work was an article on a Brazilian magazine, about one of our country men that flew for the RAF in WW2. ALL revenues were donated to charity and it is my wish that some day we will manage to have a certain amount or percentage from those WW2 books donated to charity…How can I appropriate myself from histories that are not mine to earn money for me? NO, Frank…not me, do you see!? If one day I do manage to edit my works…the revenues will be fully donated to charity.

We, who had access to the veterans, we are indeed privileged men…their friendship is the most valuable gift we could have earned…BUT…this is my personal and maybe utopian thoughts.

There are dozens of well known flyers from both sides that do deserve a full biography…the list is huge and, when I saw that the son of Kittel was present at the site…I first thought of a marvelous biography, with full details of his career…the kind of book that we, and most of members on this forum would be pleased to read.

Do hope you will keep your Professional and admirable work on the USAF Fighter Aces. There are indeed some Historians styles and personalities that we (readers and sprog writers) do admire…Wish you and yours a nice weekend, in peace and health.

Yours must sincerely,
Adriano Silva Baumgartner (a sprog – yet to be historian with a huge passion for books and Military History)
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