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Old 14th February 2010, 13:43
Huub Vink Huub Vink is offline
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Re: Big Collection WWII Aircraft Instrument Panels and Instruments confiscated

Before you take actions which can't be reversed. When I did a check of the instruments of my friend, only about 50% had dials painted with Radium. Of course the proper way to check is with a suitable dosimeter, but in most cases the Radium paint can be recognised because it is more brownish and looks more brittle than the chemical luminous paint.

One hazard I had forgotten to mention is the release of "Radon" gas because in the decay process Radium turn into Radon. Radon is known for its ability to cause Lung cancer.

For our fellow Europeans; Radiation safety legislation is more or less directed by Euratom for all its member states. However every country translates the directives to its own legislation. In all these countries the ALARA (As low as reasonably achievable) principle is applied. Therefore in all countries possession is forbidden without a proper justification. There is however a large difference in all countries what is regarded as "proper justification". One country accepts "collecting" as a proper justification and my country doesn't.
As this is most likely related to how much value a gouvernment gives to the past I personally don't think you will have a similar situation in the UK soon.

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