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Old 4th June 2017, 10:00
PMoz99 PMoz99 is offline
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Bomber Aces with min. 500 combat missions list

Here is my compiled list of Bomber/Transport aces with 500 or more combat missions. Information is mainly from the Michael Holm,, Luftwaffe39-45 and aircrewremembered websites. Data is given as : name, number of combat missions (added ? if not known if all combat or in doubt), highest award given, comments

Dochtermann, Hans Joachim 2000? DKG
Kuntz, Herbert 700? DKG
Baetcher, Hans-Georg 658 EL
Hormann, Hans 645 RK (Baetcher's Beobachter)
Helbig, Joachim 615 Schw
Antrup, Wilhelm 480-750+ EL
Skrzipek, Eduard 600 EL
Brennecke, Wilhelm 586? RK
Frost, Rupert 550? RK Bomber and Nachtschlacht
Hoefer, Karl-Heinrich 550 RK 120 missions over 4 hours long
Thurner, Johann 550 EL
Seyfarth, Kurt 532 RK Transport and Bomber
Kahle, Helmuth 526 RK Beobachter
Leupert, Otto 525 RK
Herrmann, Benno 520 RK
Glaesner, Guenther 512 RK Hogeback's Bordschuetze
Luxenberger, Josef 505 RK Bordfunker
Valet, Hans Joachim 504 RK all transport?
Hogeback, Hermann 500 Schw +100 more in Spain?
Klimek, Helmut 500 RK Skzripek's Bordfunker

Wittmann, Herbert credited with 534 but were 67 of these in Spain?
Guenzel, Reinhard credited with 330-535 but includes missions in Spain?
Beust, Hans-Henning credited with 520 but were 110 of these in Spain?
Guenthert, Ottmar - does anyone have info other than from sites listed?
Petzold, Joachim - does anyone have info other than from sites listed?
Stemmler, Wilhelm - does anyone have info other than from sites listed?
Bordelle, Walter - does anyone have info other than from sites listed?

Neither Dochtermann or Kuntz received the RK, so I think there must be some doubt on the data for them. Dochtermann's grandson claims to have reviewed his service record in detail and came up with 2000+ missions. Can anyone add anything for these 2?

Any comments, additions, corrections?

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