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Old 5th December 2013, 22:42
Posts: n/a
Re: Was Johannes von Gozdava Gschwendtner a Luftwaffe Captain?

I tried to post a longer story with the URL to the original sources but the system prevented me from doing so.

Once source in Internet claims the following:

"In 1942 he made a bold but dangerous escape from Germany to neutral Switzerland. His treacherous journey took him through the heavily guarded and fortified German border patrolled by soldiers with attack dogs. Capture, of course, would have meant certain execution as a deserter. That he eluded the Nazis was miraculous. However, once in Switzerland, Gschwendtner was not a free man. The Swiss detained and interrogated him. To prove that he had nothing to hide Gschwendtner revealed to the Swiss certain technical details about the German military, including some secret codes."
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