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Old 29th July 2021, 02:48
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JG 26 Replacement pilots

Was special consideration given to the selection of replacement pilots going into JG 26 or was it business as usual? Were experienced pilots pulled out of other combat units and sent to JG 26 as replacements or were pilots sent to JG 26 straight out of replacement units?

Once a replacement pilot arrived at one of the JG 26 Gruppes how did they transition into the FW 190? Non-combat flight time or were they just thrown to the wolves?

A low-hour, inexperienced wingman could/would get a JG 26 veteran killed pretty quickly. How was that avoided? Would a new replacement lead and a replacement wingman be put together on missions?

JG 26 lost 77.5% of it's authorized strength in pilots in 1943 (158/204) and 146.5% in 1944 (299/204). Are those numbers better or worse than other units?


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