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Old 11th August 2008, 20:46
aaatripp aaatripp is offline
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Re: 9 Aug 44 - 3 COs in a day - 353FS/354FG/9AF

I spoke with Gen. Rogers several years ago and he mentioned that the German power lines drooped. Thus it was difficult to impossible to fly under the power lines and it was necessary to climb a bit on the run to the airfield. The 353FS formation was line abeam to concentrate fire and to assure no stragglers could be zeroed in on. Beerbower attacked from a different direction to draw the a/a fire. As Beerbower made a 2nd pass and climbed slightly to avoid the power lines, the a/a gunners were able to hit BONNIE B II. Reports have Beerbower only able to climb to 500', where he attempted to bail out. Reports also have him being struck by the tail of the a/c and falling to the ground with no opening of his 'chute. Other reports have him surviving on the ground, but dying shortly thereafter. Any help with these details would be appreciated.

In Gen. James H. Howard's book TALE OF THE TIGER there is a photo of Beerbower & Emmer together but has an incorrect caption saying that they died one day apart. Beerbower died on 9 Aug 44 and Emmer's dod was 15 Feb 45 in Dulag Luft Wetzlar. Still, it is a great photo of these two great airmen, 353FS leaders and tentmates.

Tripp Alyn
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