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Old 1st August 2011, 09:33
DB601E DB601E is offline
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Re: Information concerning the Loss of Uffz. Lorenz Schaffler - 24.11.1943

Hi Rick,

this is what i have:

Loss information
Schäffler, Lorenz, Unteroffizier, Flugzeugführer, 3./JGr.Süd
Verluste der ErgJGr.Süd / JGr.Süd nach Akte RL 2 III / 1195, Seite 24, lfd. Nr. 14
Luftflotte 3:
24.11.1943, 3./JGr.Süd bei Nimes Absturz, Aufschlagbrand.
Bf 109 F-4, WNr. 5503 (gelbe 4), Bruch 100%.
Flugzeugführer: Unteroffizier Schäffler, Lorenz, .

Grave Information:
Schäffler, Lorenz, Unteroffizier, * 13.07.1921 - 24.11.1943.
Er ruht auf der Kriegsgräberstätte in Dagneux (F),
Endgrablage: Block 17, Grab 504.

We did some research about this unit for years, this is a small summary:
The Jagdgruppe Süd was a so called "Ergänzungsgruppe", after finishing the flight formation, young fighter pilotes have been transfered to this unit to get in touch with combat tactics and first combat missions. The length of stay in this unit was between some weeks and 3 month. The instructors have been mostly experienced fighter pilots, "borrowed" also short time from their units. The Jagruppe Süd was temporarily responsible for training pilots of JG 3, JG 27 and JG 53. In the sametime this unit, operating from several airfields in southern france, was responsible to protect the whole area of the mediterranean french coast. There was also a group of experienced pilots assigned to a "Einsatzkommando", to provide fast reaction against incoming allied aircraft. This unit had a lot of losses and it's been mostly the young and unexperienced pilots that did not survive their first missions. In june 1944 the units name was changed to Jagdgruppe 200.
More information about the unit and pilots you will find on my webpage and on the website of Nick Beale concerning Jagdgruppe 200:



If you agree, i'd like to include this picture to my collection about Jagdgruppe Sud pilots. If you like to have more information about this unit, please let me know.
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