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Old 15th October 2013, 18:26
phasselgren phasselgren is offline
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75 Sqn Wellington attacked by Intruder Feb 1941

The official history, New Zealanders with the Royal Air Force (Vol. I) by Wing Commander H. L. Thompson, mentions an attack by a Luftwaffe intruder on a 75 Sqn Wellington:

“A menace against which the bomber crews had now to be constantly on their guard was the possibility of attack by enemy ‘intruder’ aircraft over England. Lurking in the vicinity of airfields or guide beacons, they waited to pounce upon the bombers as they returned from operations. At the end of a long and tiring flight, with danger from enemy defences and the elements over, it was natural that the aircrews should be tired and at times tempted to relax their watch. It was then that the intruders were able to take their toll. One night towards the end of February [1941], a Wellington was circling the beacon at Marham on return from an attack against Cologne. Fortunately, the crew were still alert, and Flying Officer Brown [RNZAF],2 the rear gunner, saw an aircraft approaching which he identified as hostile. He quickly gave directions to the captain, who manoeuvred the Wellington so that fire from the enemy machine went beneath it. Brown replied with a long burst and tracer was seen to enter the fuselage of the German aircraft, which was driven off.”

According to the ORB the attack on Cologne was made on the night 26/27 February but it also has the note “A few enemy aircraft were seen but no attacks made”. Unfortunately the ORB is not always the most reliable source. I have seen examples when combats are documented in several other sources but the ORB has notes like “no attacks” or even “no enemy a/c seen”.

If the official history and the date is correct pilot was F/Lt Macfarlane, a/c R1177, Time up 19.00, Time down 00.40.

Is there any information in German sources about an Intruder attack on a Wellington this night?

In the Nachtjagd War Diaries by Theo Boiten there is a claim by Oblt. Herbert Bönsch, 1/NJG2 for a destroyed Blenheim near Scampton airfield at 00.15 but both place and a/c type is wrong? I am also uncertain about which time was used by Luftwaffe and RAF.

Thanks in advance,
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