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Old 6th January 2015, 22:31
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GMichalski GMichalski is offline
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some questions of SCW

Creo que 2 He-51 fueron capturados por los Republicanos :*
Uno cerca de Navalmoral (2/3/1937) y otro cerca de Gandesa (25/6/1937).*
Solo uno era completo y fué enviado en URSS, quizás los restos del otro tambien.*

2 He-51 were captured captured by the Republicans:
One near Navalmoral (2/3/1937) and the other near Gandesa (25/6/1937).
Only one was complete and was send to URSS, maybe also the remains
of the other.

cause? combat?, flak? captured on the ground?

other question was the date from this:

He 51 3.J/88 Oblt. Otto-Hans Winterer made a force-landing 24/02/37 POW in other source 25/02/37 by Flak (Navalmoral)

any extra info about these?

many thanks,

"If you return from a mission with a victory, but without your Rottenflieger [Wingman], you have lost your battle."
Dietrich Hrabak

"The wingman is absolutely indispensable. I look after the wingman. The wingman looks after me....."
Francis S. "Gabby" Gabreski,

"The first rule of all air combat is to see the opponent first."
Adolf Galland
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