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Old 15th April 2017, 16:57
G.R.Morrison G.R.Morrison is offline
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Re: Is there a list of German Bomber Aces

While Brütting was good in its time, it has been surpassed by Jochen Kaiser's two-volume Die Ritterkreuzträger der Kampfflieger, Luftfahrtverlag-Start, ©2010, 2011

The dilemma of using a raw number of sorties is that the Luftwaffe counted a mission of greater than four hours differently than a briefer flight. Baumbach's just-under 100 becomes 147 when one calculates those Feindflüge that were between four and eight hours.

Hansgeorg Bätcher's 658 Feindflüge, with 45 of these of more than four hours results in a theoretical total of 703.

Thus, on page 241 of Kaiser's second volume are two listings, one, "Die meisten Feindflüge," the next, "Die meisten Frontflüge," but many are listed only as "500+" , or even, in Bermadinger's case, "466+"

Pages 242, 243 include listings of oldest and youngest, the first few dozen awarded during 1940, the last ones awarded from March 1945, and a breakdown by rank at the time of award.

If interested in the Kampfflieger, these books are absolutely worth investing in.
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