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Old 7th February 2018, 20:00
Peter Cook Peter Cook is offline
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Peter Cook is on a distinguished road
92 Squadron Battle of Britain Claims - July 10th 1940

Can anyone help me to identify the source of a couple of claims listed in Brian Cull's Battle for the Channel. During the morning of 10th July 1940, the opening day of the Battle of Britain, 92 Squadron had 3 encounters with Luftwaffe bombers. Cull lists the 3rd of these as 2 Spitfires near Barry, 12:00-13:18, flown by P/O Hill and P/O Wright claiming an He 111 probable shared. I can find no corresponding combat reports at the National Archive and Form 540 and 541 do not mention this particular claim. I have reviewed claims and losses in Mason, Ramsey/Cornwell, Foreman, Shores, and Parry without success.
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