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Old 17th June 2005, 22:34
fireship fireship is offline
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Dakar 1940


Between 24.09.40 and 26.09.40 the FAA
lost 8 Swordfish, 2 Skua and 1 Walrus to
vichy Fighters on the attack of Dakar.
I Serch for the Serials of the lost FAA
Aircraft and the FAA Squadron and the
claiming vichyfrench Pilots.
I Know that Sgt.Chef Georges Lemare
of GC I/4 claiming 1 Swordfish on 24.09.40
while flying Curtiss Hawk 75 A.
Hope anybody knows the circumstance.

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Old 18th June 2005, 12:51
Stéphane Lehuédé Stéphane Lehuédé is offline
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Stéphane Lehuédé
Re: Dakar 1940


French claims on 24/09/1940

GC I/4
A/C Baillet : 2 Swordfish
S/C Lemare : 1 Swordfish

CAMS Antarès Escadrille 4E : 1 Swordfish

Swordfish losses
- K8862 "A2M"
- P4217 "H3L"
- L7698 "A2L"

Both Skua were not claimed by French fighters, but A6C from N° 800 Squadron was probably damaged by Cdt de La Horie (CO of GC I/4), and "A7K" from N° 803 Squadron damaged by Cne Viguier & A/C Feuillat

Claims on 25/09/1940

GC I/4
Cne O'Byrne Cne Gauthrin Lt Minot : 1 Swordfish
This aircraft was seen fallen at sea by an observatory of the french Navy, and was credited to the 3 French pilots to their return. Actually, the Swordfish "A4K" from N° 820 Squadron is only damaged.

Cdt de La Horie : 1 Walrus, L2247, crew killed

Sources : Aéro Journal n° 14, "Menace sur Dakar" C-J. Ehrengardt


Last edited by Stéphane Lehuédé; 18th June 2005 at 15:37.
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Old 18th June 2005, 15:02
Laurent Rizzotti Laurent Rizzotti is offline
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Re: Dakar 1940

The Antarés was a French floatplane (or seaplane, I have never understood the real meaning of these two english words) and was anchored, or at least on the water, when the Sworfishes flew over it. A gunner of the Antarés fired at them and claimed a victory.

If I remember well, the Walrus lost on the 25 was from the cruiser HMAS Australia.
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Old 18th June 2005, 15:14
John Beaman John Beaman is offline
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Re: Dakar 1940

Hi Laurent:

The typical meaning of "floatplane" in English is an aircraft that has pontoon float(s) for undercarraige and does not actually sit on the water. An example would be tyhe Arado Ar 196 or the Heinkel He 115. A "seaplane" has a boatlike fuselage and actually sits on the water, like a Walrus or Sunderland.

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Old 18th June 2005, 15:27
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Re: Dakar 1940


I’m not an expert of the topic, but I‘ve always admired Fleet Air Arm and Armée de l’Air pilots for the professionalism and accurateness they demonstrated.

There is a nice (and complete) description of the Dakar’s combat in the French book: “Batailles Aeriennes vol.26 Combats fratricides en Afrique…” from SARL LELA PRESSE editor. The book was originally published in 2003 and most likely is still available.

Here the combat between Lieutenant De Montravel (H75 A-3 n° 318), Adjutant Chef Baillet (H75 A-3 n° 306), and Sergeant Lemare (H75 A-3 n° 295), of GC I/4 is described as happened at 9.15 in the morning against a formation of six 810 Squadron Swordfishes led by Lieutenant Commander Johnstone.

Apart from the two claims of Baillet and that of Lemare the book quotes three claims from the French Navy AA and one from the seaplanes of escadrille de exploration 4E, suggesting also that one of the torpedo bombers was lost most probably to the combined effort of AA and 4E and the other two to the Curtiss. The Swordfish lost to AA-4E was later recovered from the sea and was P4217 “A3L” (crew: Lieutenant Jackson, Lieutenant Crabbe, N/A Jarvis all p.o.w.)

The first Skua loss was a 800 Squadron machine coded “6C” obliged to ditch, whose crew was saved. It was probably shot down by over Dakar by Commandant De la Horie (H75 A-3 n° 301), of GC I/4 that took off at 9.40.

The second Skua loss was coded “7K” this time of 803 Squadron, ditched too with the crew (Pilot Officer Sabey and Leading Aircraftman Coles) safe. The book suggests that their victors were: Capitaine Viguier and Adjutant Chef Feuillat that were out to escort a reconnaissance plane.

It seems that both were not claimed as "confirmed" by the French pilots.

Two other Swordfishes were lost during the day, when a formation (unit not recorded) attacked the French fleet at 15.00.

The first was the plane of the leader of the formation that ditched for an engine’s breakdown, the other was the plane coded “A4A” piloted by Lieutenant Campton that was shot down by French AA and then recovered.
On the 25th, Capitaine O’Byrne (H75 A-3 n° 258), Capitaine Gauthrin (H75 A-3 n° 212), and Lieutenant Minot (H75 A-3 n° 228), fought a Swordfish at around 6.35. Their victim was the plane coded “A4K” that in fact was just heavily damaged (from the book it seems that they didn’t claim it but that it was credited to the AA of the Battle cruiser Richelieu), succeeding in landing back on Ark Royal. Later Gauthrin claimed another Swordfish as damaged.
The Walrus shot down was the plane of the cruiser Australia (Flight Lieutenant Clarke, Lieutenant Commander Fogarty, Pilot officer Burnett all K.I.A.)

It seems that it went shared to Commandant De la Horie (H75 A-3 n° 301) and Lieutenant Milbeau (H75 A-3 n° 324).

Two more Swordfishes were lost or heavily damaged on the 23rd.

During the afternoon a reconnaissance machine from Ark Royal was obliged to crash-land (crew wounded) on the deck by the combined effort of Commandant De la Horie (H75 A-3 n° 301), Lieutenant Milbeau (H75 A-3 n° 324) and Aspirant Duval (H75 A-3 n° 312) whose plane was hit by the Swordfish’s gunner (Leading Aircraftman Clithero) causing his death (only French fighter loss of the battle). At 18.15 another Swordfish was lost for a breakdown (crew rescued).

Hope it was useful.


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Old 18th June 2005, 15:31
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Re: Dakar 1940

sorry for the icons, don't know why they appeared.

However they cover the number eight.

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Old 18th June 2005, 15:47
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Re: Dakar 1940

Normally [8]+[)] results in 8)

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I've taken the liberty of editing your post for you, but normally you have 24 hrs to edit material you've posten on this forum.

PS. I will probably remove this particular Smiley icon from the list though.
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Old 18th June 2005, 16:56
fireship fireship is offline
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Re: Dakar 1940


thanks to all for the informations.

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