1435 squadron flight commanders in 1942
Geoffrey Wellum arrived on Malta on August 11, 1942 and left a few (three?) weeks later. Some calculations put this at early September 1942. His fellow flight commander Basil Friendship flew out on 27 August 1942 and was replaced as B flight commander by "Wally" McLeod. Does anyone know the date Wellum was struck off the strength of 1435 squadron? Did he leave with Friendship (both suffered from sinusitis)?
The reason I ask is that I thought his replacement as flight commander was Blair White, although White's brief time in the squadron seems to indicate he was just a supernumery appointment (he took command of 229 squadron within a fortnight). Intriguingly White seems a better fit as the replacement for McLeod whose tour finished on 23/25 October 1942. White arrived at 1435 Squadron on 22 October 1942. Flt Ian MacLennan possibly replaced White when the latter left to lead 229 Squadron..
I can find no mention in my sources of a second flight commander in 1435 squadron during the period August-October 1942 it appears SLdr Lovell led "A" Flight. All of this leaves one flight of 1435 squadron without a flight commander from August 1942 until several weeks later. Willam "Wally" Walton takes command of a flight in late 1942, I have no date for this event.
Comments, suggestions?