14th April 2005, 09:22
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3
NEW BOOK: German cross in Gold holder (with signature)
I would like to draw your attention to a new publication:
“Roman Gastager und die Eiserne Dritte - Als Fernaufklärer im Einsatz über England und dem Atlantik”
Only some are known over the German reconnaissance airmen. In the shade of the successful german fighter pilots they weren´t in the limelight of the puplic at that time.
One of them was Roman Gastager, board gunner in the 3. Staffel / Aufklärungsgruppe 123. At once his first enemy flight took him to the Channel Island Guernsey in 1940, he entered an English floor as the first German soldier. Hard years followed in combat over England and the Atlantic. Last uses in 1944 were for the allied invasion fleet.
Roman Gastager is holder of the front flight clasp in gold for reconnaissance planes with supporter, he is honored with the German cross in gold and he was submitted to the awarding of the Knight's Cross. But he is also the only survivor of the flying staff of his unit from the first years of war.
So this book also shall remind of a unity of the German air force which had to credit a loss quota of 1,200 per cent at end of the war.
The book has 210 sides, 130 till now unpublished photos. Hardcover. The book is in German.
The price is 19,90 Euro + 4,00 Euro for shipping in the EU or 5,00 Euro worldwide.
In addition to the book there is a portrait photo signed of Roman Gastager.
All informations under www.cimm.de