Re: Charles Salinsky 355th FG, 337 FS --> mission on 21/24 June 1944
Further review of the mission summaries revealed that in the first morning mission, a flight of 357FS ships were returning from and escort mission shooting up trains and Salinski was the first to spot 15+ Bf 109's hidden under the trees near Anger and led his flight down for one pass resulting in the morning claim of 5. (Salinski 3)
Kinnard led a force of 12 354FS Mustangs and 13 357FS Mustangs back to the same field where more than 30 were counted in the trees. 21 separate passes were made, some to strafe flak and fuel dumps, the bulk were four plane units strafing the tree line where the 109's were observed. 30 separate fires were recorded on film before returning to base in the early evening.
No losses for either mission.