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Old 15th February 2006, 17:10
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Re: Luftwaffe losses to ground fire during Bodenplatte

Thank you for that, Artie. Very interesting indeed.

As you say, the VT fuzes were used primarily by the Navy through most of the war, to ensure that duds could not be retrieved by the enemy. As a result of this policy, the VT fuzes intended for use in various Army howitzers, were not able to be used and so thousands of them were stockpiled. But, in December 1944, after it was learned that the German drive had captured a munitions dump that had shells fitted with VT fuzes, they were released for general use.

I had supposed that there would be some criticism of my mentioning the use of wet batteries to power the fuze. The earlier fuzes had dry batteries, but their shelf life was only 2-3 months, and this was considered totally unacceptable. So, they created a wet battery, but with the active electrolyte in a glass ampoule (small bulbous glass vessel hermetically sealed) that broke as the shell was fired and permitted the electrolyte to be distributed over the battery plates.

As a byproduct of the low-level Kamikazi attacks, since the reflections from waves could set off the fuses prematurely, a new circuit was devised to reduce the sensitivity of the fuze to the spurious wave noises. And, there were many other problems that the Navy had to overcome to get the fuzes to work properly; but they did, and the fuzes, based on Navy action reports, apparently multiplied the effectiveness of the AA guns by a factor of 3.

All the best,
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Old 15th February 2006, 17:17
Graham Boak Graham Boak is offline
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Re: Luftwaffe losses to ground fire during Bodenplatte

My understanding is that the VT fuses were used against the V1, rather than being restricted to Naval use. The dominant guns there were the 3.7in. and the 40mm Bofors. Initially this was restricted to the UK mainland but later there was considerable effort placed into the defence of Antwerp.

English Heritage was to issue a book on the Diver AA campaign to go with their excellent work on AA Command, but I've yet to see it appear. The matter of fuses will doubtless be discussed, but I suspect that the comments above are correct and the 40mm shell was just too small at this stage.
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Old 15th February 2006, 23:49
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Re: Luftwaffe losses to ground fire during Bodenplatte

You're right of course, Graham. What I should have said was that while the majority of VT fuze usage was by the US and Royal Navies, it was also used in AA guns in the UK and other Allied territories. Until Dec 44, these fuzes couldn't be used for artillery fire which could yield the enemy a fuze in a dud shell (this injunction also included shore bombardment by naval guns). While the US Navy was creating VT fuses for the US forces, it was also making them for the British forces, including fuzes for the principal Royal Navy AA guns, for the British Army 3.7" AA gun, as well as for Army guns and howitzers.
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