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Old 10th November 2024, 11:05
Nick Hector Nick Hector is offline
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Re: Peter Jenne & Rudolf Zwesken

Hi Johannes

Politely, I would say Brendel, Schack, Josten AND Hafner.

I believe I posted a listing of Dahl's claims on an earlier thread.
Either way, this is what I have compiled so far:

Walther Dahl

W of Lemberg @ 1500m
23 or 28 IAP. Details pending

E of Majewo
11 DBAP? They suffered at least 5 losses, crews of Ml.Lt. A I Pykhtin, Serzhant A Evdokimov, Ml.Lt. P T Krashenninikov, Ml.Lt. Nikolay Ilyich Alimbarashvili and Serzhant N I Mineev all failed to return. Another possibility is 8 DBAP, crew of Lt. Ivan Yakovlevich Korovin which was definitely lost to fighters

S of Zaporozhe
162 IAP? They lost Ml.Lt. Andrey Panteleevich Tsaplagin KIA this date

I-153 "Tchaika"
Jelesawetowka/Mironovka area
44 IAD Staff. This was probably claimed against Leytenant Grigoriy Kotscha. Overclaiming, as he managed to escape (also appears to have been claimed by Gollob)

Possibly 316 ORAP. Crew of Ml.Lt. Yaroslav Leonidovich Bratolyubov

Hurricane ("Spitfire")
BV174 of 229 sqn. P/O Andrews returned to base with damage

NW of Stalingrad @ 800m
(Wilcke and Wessling claimed as well)
Were these claimed against 900 IAP? They lost Lt. Viktor Alekseyevich Saburov KIA

SW of Achtuba (PQ 49283) @ 2500m
3 GIAP or 27 IAP, 287 IAD, 8 VA. Definitely 3 La-5s lost this date

1km SE of Kotluban @ 500m
8 VA (1 Yak-7B lost) or 16 VA (6 Yak-1s and 1 Yak-7B lost) or 102 IAD/PVO. 16 VA losses include Pavel Nikolaevich Bulaev of 520 IAP KIA and Ivan Yakovlevich Buldygin of 581 IAP

24.9.42/1103 and 1109
2 x Yak-1s
Stalingrad – Dubovka
8 VA (no known losses) or 16 VA (8 Yak-1s lost) or 102 IAD/PVO. 16 VA's losses include Mikhail Stepanovich Bubnov of 43 IAP, Serzhant Peter Korneevich Sednev of 520 IAP and Ilya Mikhaylovich Yuzhakov (AE CO) of 812 IAP. All KIA

Stalingrad @ 4500m
8 VA (1 IL-2 lost this date) or 16 VA (no known losses this date). 8 VA's loss was 944 ShAP, Serzhant Pavel Vasilyevich Sytov
(Wilcke also claimed, so one must be an overclaim)

14.10.42/0707 and 0715
2 x IL-2 Sturmoviks
20-25km NW of Stalingrad
Likely 245 ShAP. Losses include Evgeny Filippovich Baranov POW (liberated in January 1943). 954 ShAP lost Kapitan Arkady Ivanovich Buzev (AE CO) KIA
There were about 5 claims in total

50km NE of Stalingrad @ 2000m
512 IAP. Starshiy Leytenant Ignatiy Biryukov

25.10.42/1039 and 1421
2 x IL-2 Sturmoviks
Krasnoarmejsk – Stalingrad
686, 807 and 945 ShAP, 206 ShAD? (definitely in action this day). Losses include MSgt Sudarkin of 945 ShAP, forcelanded 5km S of Prishchevka (already damaged by Flak, finished off by a Bf109). 944 ShAP lost St. Serzhant Nikolay Sergeevich Smirnov KIA

26.10.42/1402, 1407, 1408 and 1412
4 x IL-2 Sturmoviks
Stalingrad – Beketovka
Day's IL-2 losses include 206 ShAD's Sgt. Malyshev KIA over Sarpinskiy Island. 686 ShAP, 807 ShAP, 811 ShAP and 945 ShAP all in action this date. 505 ShAP lost Serzhant Alexei Nikolaevich Sipigin KIA this date 807 ShAP lost Pavel Dmitrievich Shurigin in an alleged taran this date

12km E of Krasnaja Sloboda
Day's losses in the Stalingrad sector include 11 IAP's Vitaliy Vasilievich Serkov KIA. Same unit lost Serzhant Vasily Ivanovich Titov on IL-2 escort mission and definitely to fighters was Nikolay Aleksandrovich Shershilov baled out failed to return

30.11.42/0810 and 0812
2 x IL-2 Sturmoviks
Pitomnik – Kotluban
622 ShAP, 214 ShAD, 8 VA definitely in action over Pitomnik in the morning losing 6 planes and 5 crews including Kapitan Dobrokhotov and Serzhant Pyatiletov. 5 more were seriously damaged

15.4.43/1629 and 1630
2 x LaGG-3s
Kuban bridgehead
At least 9 LaGG-3s lost this day. 4 from 267 IAP, 2 from 979 IAP, 2 from 926 IAP and 1 from 269 IAP more specific info is impossible due to large number of claims/losses

B-17 Flying Fortress
Definitely lost to fighters around this time was 42-31486 of 612th BS, 401st BG. 2/Lt. John Tannahill Jr and 7 others KIA, remaining 2 crewmen both POW

2 x B-17 Flying Fortress HSS
One of these was very likely B-17G-25-BO Flying Fortress 42-31666 "Poncho Thalken" of 96th BS, 2nd BG (damaged by fighter, ditched in the sea)

P-38G-5-LO Lightning
30km SE of Steyr @ 5000m
Likely 42-12815 of 95th FS, 82nd FG. George Milton Gearhard baled out near Windischgarten after combat with fighter identified as Fw190

B-17F-115-BO Flying Fortress
Augsburg area @ 6500m
Most likely one of several claims for 42-30730/WW- of 369th BS, 306th BG. 2/Lt. David B Ramsey and crew all POW

P-51B-5-NA Mustang
near Muenchen @ 6500m
This one likely one of several claims for 43-7103/OS-O of 357th FS, 355th FG. 2/Lt. Howard K Hillman KIA

B-17 Flying Fortress
Daun-Kyllberg area (PQ PO to QO) @ 6500m
First one to be attacked was 42-31183/VK-Y "Bad Penny" of 358th BS, 303rd BG. 2/Lt. Arthur L Goss and one other KIA, remaining 7 crewmen all POW
(this appears to be one of at least 6 claims for her)

B-17G-5-BO Flying Fortress
Koblenz area (PQ PP-PO-QO) @ 6500m
Definitely down at 1146 was 42-31224/VK-F "Helen Heaven" 2/Lt. Samuel C Smithy and 4 others POW, remaining 4 crewmen all KIA

B-17 Flying Fortress (rammed)
Believed to be overclaiming, possibly fiction. No known loss by ramming

B-17G-40-VE Flying Fortress
Naunen-Brandenburg (PQ FF-FG-GF) @ 8000m
551st BS, 385th BG. Was this 42-98010/Q of2/Lt. Deloy Taylor and crew all KIA except one man POW. Or possibly 43-38217/P of 2/Lt. Raymond W Tuley and 5 others KIA, 3 POW or 43-38430/N of 1/Lt. Donald J Andreas and 3 others KIA, 5 POW

P-51D Mustang
Near Dilligen
Was this 44-72967 of 354th FG? - Appears to be last Mustang lost in ETO, apparently attributed to Flak

...for any additions, corrections or updates, I would be most grateful.
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Old 11th November 2024, 00:18
Andrey Kuznetsov Andrey Kuznetsov is offline
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Re: Peter Jenne & Rudolf Zwesken

Hello gentlemen,

Originally Posted by Nick Hector View Post
15.4.43/1629 and 1630
2 x LaGG-3s
Kuban bridgehead
At least 9 LaGG-3s lost this day. 4 from 267 IAP, 2 from 979 IAP, 2 from 926 IAP and 1 from 269 IAP more specific info is impossible due to large number of claims/losses
At 16:10-16:30 the Germans claimed 9 planes: 5 LaGG-3, 2 Kittyhawk, 1 Yak-1 and 1 Airacobra.

The real losses during this timeframe were:

1. M.G. Petrov (Airacobra, 45.IAP): according to his report, he was damaged in air combat, on the way home in the Kholmskaya area was attacked and shot down by a LaGG (friendly fire), baled out, received burns. According to WD of 45.IAP, it was not LaGG but FW190 (as far as I know, there were no claims of II./SchG1 at that timeframe).

2. st.sgt V.A. Bezbabnov (Kittyhawk, 45.IAP too): FTR

3. starshina G.M. Potanin (LaGG-3, 979.IAP): according to his report, was downed by Soviet AAA during his attack on Ju88 in the Abinskaya area, baled out, received a burn.

4. I.I. Protasov (Yak-1, 6.GIAP VVS ChF): slightly damaged in air combat.

That is all.

I have studied this day, so I know the details. For other episodes, only someone who has studied the respective days in detail on the respective areas can tell about the results.
Obviously, in many cases (maybe most) the answers will be about the same - we can say something about the ratio of claims to actual results, but hardly about the success of a particular pilot.

And this is a very time-consuming task. Unlike the German ones, too many Soviet documents survived the war, although in some cases they are still not enough.

Best regards,
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Old 11th November 2024, 18:36
edwest2 edwest2 is offline
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Re: Peter Jenne & Rudolf Zwesken


May I ask if there were local police reports or newspaper reports from the period.

Ed West
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Old 11th November 2024, 22:14
Andrey Kuznetsov Andrey Kuznetsov is offline
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Re: Peter Jenne & Rudolf Zwesken

Hello Ed,

newspaper reports - yes, with photos of distinguished pilots, anti-aircraft gunners, downed German planes, etc. Unfortunately, the quality of newspaper images at that time left much to be desired.

local police [militsia] reports - certainly yes, but I have never worked with them. Firstly, air defense reports are usually sufficient, secondly - I think militsia reports are less accessible and scattered in local archives.

Best regards,
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Old 12th November 2024, 02:00
edwest2 edwest2 is offline
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Re: Peter Jenne & Rudolf Zwesken

Thank you Andrey.
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