Problem people on the internet and LW research
I have noticed an increased appearance of anonymous individuals who do not follow the rules of civil behavior on the internet.
The best way to describe them is to describe what they are not. They are not calm. They are not rational. By rational, I mean "sensible, sane, moderate; not foolish nor absurd nor extreme."
As this applies to Luftwaffe research, I sometimes see people rejecting statements and claims out of hand, with nothing more than an emotional response, or an emotionally based insult DEVOID of fact(s). An emotionally charged opinion is not a fact and should never be regarded as such. I urge everyone reading this to not respond to such individuals if possible.
To be civil or considered civilized, requires self-discipline, self-control and respect for another person's point of view even if you do not agree with it. And sometimes, it requires not starting an argument even if your emotions are encouraging you to do so.
Ed West