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Old 10th July 2005, 04:11
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4 Staffel.(F)123 Re: Oblt. Werner Kohla (StKp)

Dear All,

Firstly, thanks to everyone who has helped me in the past!
Have been searching for information regarding Oblt. Werner Kohla, the Staffelkapitän of 4./(F)123 and 2./NAGr.1 since 1996 and have now exhausted all avenues except this exceptional forum!
Uffz. Herbert Blochberger of the 4th Staffel was flying as Oblt. Kohla's wingman on the 24.06.44 on a recce sortie to the Seine Bay. Both aircraft were jumped by allied fighters and Herbert Blochberger was shot down, to be declared as Missing in Action! Herbert and his machine "Blue 1" were recovered from a field in northern France during November 1996. The eye-witness to the combat states that the action took place at a great height and the attacking aircraft had twin tails, I presume a P-38? I do know that P-38's were operating on that day on a mission to Rouen, but I have not found any P-38 victory claims for this day, anyone any ideas? Unfortunately I do not have a start time for Blochberger & Kohla, morning or evening?

Oblt. Kohla survived this action and went on to become the Staffelkapitän of 2./NAGr.1, but did he survive the war? Does anyone have any details of where he was born? Any information regarding this pilot would be appreciated. I have also posted a photo from my collection of Oblt. Kohla with his Bf 109G in Frankreich, 1944.

Kind regards,


"Anglo-deutsche Erinnerungs Gruppe"
The Remembrance Society.
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Old 10th July 2005, 10:27
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Re: 4 Staffel.(F)123 Re: Oblt. Werner Kohla (StKp)

I am afraid that you will have to trawl all the combat reports-I have claims for 109s from 306 Sqn (1), 315 Sqn (4 dest, 3 dam), 331 Sqn (5 dest), 50th FG (2 dest, 3 dam), 366 FG (1), 404 FG (1). None were by P-38s although a 55 FG ac was lost near Evreux that day
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Old 11th July 2005, 14:05
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Re: 4 Staffel.(F)123 Re: Oblt. Werner Kohla (StKp)


the next step for You would be to contact the ZNS at Aachen (the files might have travelled to Freiburg during the summer, in which case you will have to contact BA/MA there, but You will probably be adviced by the people at Aachen).

This person was an Oblt. and a personnel file should exist.

Please let us know if You are successfull!

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Old 12th July 2005, 14:53
laurentviton laurentviton is offline
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Thumbs down Re: 4 Staffel.(F)123 Re: Oblt. Werner Kohla (StKp)

Hello Mr Brown ,

We are some searchers in France who would like to know the whereabout regarding H. Blochberger 's remains and his Me 109 . Where is the engine now ? What about the guns found by French gendarmes at Dieppe ?
Could you answer this ?

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Old 13th July 2005, 02:50
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Re: 4 Staffel.(F)123 Re: Oblt. Werner Kohla (StKp)

Hello Laurent,

Thanks for your interest! All I can tell you is that Uffz. Herbert Blochberger is now resting in peace at the Deutsche Soldatenfriedhof, St.Andre de l' Eure.
The engine I believe is now on display in a private aviation museum somewhere in Surrey, England. Only two guns were found, 1 Walther flare pistol and remains of a 20mm cannon (Breech) which were both confiscated by French officals at Dieppe. Uffz. Blochberger's machine, the Me 109G-5 only carried the single 20mm cannon as armament.


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