Major Louis Milton Bourne Jr USMC Parachute 14th Feb 1928
February 15, 1928
The Bee from Danville, Virginia · Page 2
Marine Aviator Abandons Plane In Parachute WASHINGTON .Feb. 15. (AP)-Major Louis Milton Bourne Jr. Marine Corps aviator, had a sprained back and stiff neck today to remind him of his newly acquired membership in the 'caterpillar club, that clique of aviators who have survived parachute jumps. Flying from Langley Field. Va.. to Quantlco late yesterday, Major Bourne who recently flew a transport plane to Nicaragua found himself In a dense fog and tossed about in an electrical storm. His compass and other instruments Were disabled and the elements wrested control of the plane from him. He said he flew upside down a number of times and once in that position found himself a few feet above the Potomac river. After several near crashes, he righted the machine and climbed 1,000 feet. There he abandoned it and went over the side with his parachute. . The- plane crashed, a total wreck, in a woods near where Bourne landed in some trees.
Can anyone please confirm the aircraft that Bourne was flying was an Curtiss F6C Hawk serial A7150
Major Bourne died at the Naval Hospital, Washington, D. C., after an illness on Jan 7th 1935. He as was born 7 Oct 1891 and is buried in Arlington
Last edited by paulmcmillan; 16th May 2017 at 17:58.