"Manston Mutiny" August 1940
Hi guys
What's the verdict?
"By now, after four all-out raids, few building;, were even tenable. With all water cut off, men shaved at the pre-war swimming pool - if they shaved at all. Many were close to breaking point; in the nick of time Squadron Leader James Leathart, 54 Squadron, stopped an overwrought technical officer firing blind down the shelters to flush the scrimshankers out. Manston's chaplain, the Reverend Cecil King, acted as promptly. Near-berserk, another officer had burst wild-eyed into the mess. a revolver trembling in his hand, threatening to finish off himself and every man present. Gently, King led him from the room, talking of God’s infinite mercy, until the man broke down and surrendered his gun”
The Stress of Battle: Quantifying Human Performance in Combat by David Rowland, Great Britain: Ministry of Defence. Page 188
All comments appreciated, together with any additional relevant information.
Thanks in advance