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Old 14th October 2006, 14:18
kiwi123 kiwi123 is offline
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looking for info on HE-111 losses over Holland, 10th may 1940

Hi all,

For a new artwork I'm doing I would like to find out markings and units of he-111 that were shot down over Holland in the morning of the 10th of May, 1940. These would be he-111 that attacked Waalhaven and were shot down by fokker G.I.a of the 3rd JaVA.

Any help would be appreciated !


Wiek Luijken
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Old 16th October 2006, 10:00
kiwi123 kiwi123 is offline
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Re: looking for info on HE-111 losses over Holland, 10th may 1940

Nobody ? I guess the airwar over the Netherlands isn't a very popular topic, is it ?
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Old 16th October 2006, 10:52
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Re: looking for info on HE-111 losses over Holland, 10th may 1940

Patience is a virtue.

Stab KG4 Heinkel He111P (2909). Shot down by Fokker G1 of 3-II-1 (1e Lt Noomen & Korp de Vries) during sortie to Rotterdam and belly-landed in St Annapolder between Rockanje and Hellevoetsluis, south of Zwartedijk 4.15 a.m. Oberfw E-R. Frotscher killed. Oberst M. Fiebig (Geschwaderkommodore), Oberlt K. Born, Oberfw O. Hlubek, and Oberfw O. Blank captured unhurt. Aircraft 5J+DA a write-off.

Stab KG4 Heinkel He111P. Returned badly damaged by flak and Fokker G1 of 3-II-1 (1e Lt. A. van Oorschot and Sgt. W. P. Wesly) over Waalhaven 4.10 a.m. Oberlt Andersch unhurt. Fw P-K. Schiel badly wounded, admitted to hospital in Delmenhorst. Fw H. L. Romatowsky and Uffz H. Wiegand slightly wounded. Aircraft damaged but repairable.

1./KG4 Heinkel He111P. Crashed on take-off from Gütersloh for sortie to attack Ypenburg 3.15 a.m. Uffz K. Hirn and Uffz E. Richter killed. Uffz H. Trilling badly injured. Aircraft 5J+FH a write-off.

1./KG4 Heinkel He111P (1570). Returned damaged by flak south of Dordrecht. Uffz H. Scharf badly wounded. Aircraft repairable.

2./KG4 Heinkel He111P (4570). Shot down by Fokker G1 of 3-II-1 south of Dordrecht and crashlanded between Goudswaard and Piershil 4.15 a.m. Gefr H. Pälchen and Gefr K. Klemm badly wounded. Aircraft destroyed by crew.

4./KG4 Heinkel He111P. Hit by flak and believed collided with wingman. Crashed outside northern boundary of Soesterberg airfield 4.30 a.m. Lt A. Bohnenkamp, Uffz H. Heimsath, Hauptgefr W. Mittelhäuser, and Obergefr W. Römer killed. Aircraft a write-off.

4./KG4 Heinkel He111P. Believe brought down in collision with He111 hit by flak and. crashed outside northern boundary of Soesterberg airfield 4.30 a.m. Oberlt P. von zu Mühlen, Uffz P. Kirsch, Obergefr W. Dreyer, and Gefr E. King killed. Aircraft a write-off.

5./KG4 Heinkel He111P-2 (3556). Believed shot down by Fokker G1 of 3-II-1 over Waalhaven. Oberlt H. Roth, Uffz H. Heinig, and Obergefr E. Stephan captured slightly wounded. Aircraft a write-off.

5./KG4 Heinkel He111P. Returned hit by flak over Waalhaven. Oberfw F. Röhrborn slightly wounded. Aircraft damaged but repairable.

5./KG4 Heinkel He111P. Shot down during attack on Waalhaven by Fokker G1 of 3-II-1 (Sgt Souffree & Sgt de Man) and belly-landed 1 km south of Zevenbergschehoek 7.00 a.m. Oberfw H. Ganss killed. Oberlt R. Ganzert, Oberfw E. Tischer, and Gefr H. Dertinger captured unhurt. Aircraft 5J+DN a write-off.

5./KG4 Heinkel He111P. Shot down by Fokker G1 of 3-II-1 (1e Lt Kuipers & Sgt Venema) and crashlanded at Alblasserdam, near Waalhaven 4.15 a.m. Uffz H. Zitzmann captured badly wounded, treated at Missiehaus Paters van Nuland. Uffz G. Klenk, Uffz W. Wiebke, and Gefr R. Schlegel captured unhurt. Aircraft 5J+JN a write-off.

7./KG4 Heinkel He111P (2633). Damaged by flak during attack on Schiphol and forced-landed at Zwanenburg 4.00 a.m. Lt V. Pollitz, Uffz B. Hintze, Uffz E. Schubert, and Obergefr H. Röthig captured unhurt. Aircraft 5J+PR a write-off.

7./KG4 Junkers Ju88A-1 (3040). Crashed at Gross-Mackenstedt shortly after take-off from Delmenhorst for attack on Bergen airfield; exact cause unknown. Lt H-J. Schwartz, Oberfw W. Voigt, and Obergefr H. Wilshaus killed. Uffz W. Grossmann mortally injured, later died. Aircraft a 5J+HR a write-off.

8./KG4 Junkers Ju88A-1. Shot down by own flak east of Arlon and crashed between Brouch and Reckingen following attack on Schiphol 4.30 a.m. Fw F. Wehrkoff, Fw W. Müller killed. Uffz W. Kunath baled out but killed. Aircraft a write-off.

9./KG4 Heinkel He111P (1591). Failed to return from attack on Bergen and crashed near Goudswaard, south-west of Rotterdam 4.15 a.m. Lt H-W. Paas, Uffz W. Hufnagel, Uffz F. Lewandofski, and Obergefr E. Stölzel believed captured. Aircraft 5J+ST a write-off.

9./KG4 Junkers Ju88A-1 (3041). Believed shot down by Fokker DXXI during dawn attack on Schiphol and crashed by the Hoofdweg, north of Hoofddorp, near Vijfhuizen 4.15 a.m. Gefr F. Strada killed. Oberlt F-K. Rinck, Oberfw W. Rüther, and Gefr F. Wissing captured unhurt. Aircraft 5J+GT a write-off.

9./KG4 Junkers Ju88A-1 (6018). Shot down during dawn attack on Schiphol and crashed in the IJsselmeer 4.15 a.m. Lt R. Graf, Oberfw R. Mölle, Uffz O. Pälchen, and Obergefr G. Neuber killed. Aircraft 5J+AT lost.

9./KG4 Junkers Ju88A-1 (3035). Failed to return from dawn attack on Schiphol. Believed shot down by flak and crashed in the IJsselmeer off Sloten 4.15 a.m. Lt G. Hinsch, Obergefr K. Danzmair, and Obergefr A. Fölsch killed. Uffz E. Herzog missing. Aircraft 5J+IT lost.
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Old 17th October 2006, 01:52
steve sheridan steve sheridan is offline
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Re: looking for info on HE-111 losses over Holland, 10th may 1940

Hiya Peter,
Excellent listing of losses from KG4 lost on 10.5.40, and in answer to Kiwi 123's original post.

I did find a couple of the W.Nr's described as Heinkel 111P-' s strange though, these according to my information were later He111H-6 models!
although i stand to be corrected.

W.Nr 4570 2/KG4 Gefr. Palchen's a/c
W.Nr 3556 5/KG4 Oblt Hubert Roth's a/c

Would welcome any further confirmation on these W.Nr's , and i would also be interested to know whether any kind soul has any Staffel Kapitan listings for KG4 during this period.
Best Regs,
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Old 17th October 2006, 13:43
kiwi123 kiwi123 is offline
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Re: looking for info on HE-111 losses over Holland, 10th may 1940

Peter, thank you very much !
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Old 17th October 2006, 13:48
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Re: looking for info on HE-111 losses over Holland, 10th may 1940

Excellent info indeed! Nice one Peter!
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Old 17th October 2006, 22:11
David Ransome David Ransome is offline
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Re: looking for info on HE-111 losses over Holland, 10th may 1940


I have 3556 as an H-5 which was still around in September 1940, and the other as an H-6. In the May 1940 (and other) loss records I have found many entries with transposed digits in the WNrs - maybe these are another two examples?


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Old 17th October 2006, 22:36
Jim P. Jim P. is offline
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Re: looking for info on HE-111 losses over Holland, 10th may 1940

Switch the first two digits on each and your looking at H-2 territory.
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Old 18th October 2006, 11:31
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Re: looking for info on HE-111 losses over Holland, 10th may 1940

Originally Posted by Peter Cornwell View Post
5./KG4 Heinkel He111P. Shot down by Fokker G1 of 3-II-1 (1e Lt Kuipers & Sgt Venema) and crashlanded at Alblasserdam, near Waalhaven 4.15 a.m. Uffz H. Zitzmann captured badly wounded, treated at Missiehaus Paters van Nuland. Uffz G. Klenk, Uffz W. Wiebke, and Gefr R. Schlegel captured unhurt. Aircraft 5J+JN a write-off.
I don't think that the 5J+JN has made a crashlanding near Alblasserdam. In the information itself it is said that Uffz H.Zitzmann has been treated at the Missiehouse of the Paters van Nuland. Nuland is about 120 km from Alblasserdam. The correct crashplace is Rosmalen. Rosmalen is close to Nuland.

I also have a question. After the first attack of the planes of KG 4, strengthened with KGr 126, at the airfields in the Netherlands, I./KG 4 was used for bringing supplies to the airborne troops. See also Gundelachs book about KG 4 at page 71. II./KG 4 and III./KG 4 were operating in support of the 18 Army. The 9.Panzer-Division, as part of the 26th Army Corps, which belongs to the 18th Army, had the goal to go as fast as possible to the Moerdijkbridge. To make contact with the airborne troops.
Therefore they have to pass the Peel-Raam defence-line in East Brabant. Does someone know if the planes of II. and III./KG 4 have made attacks at this defence-line at places like Mill and later St.Oedenrode and Best.
According to the official Dutch Militairy History Stuka's have attacked the defence-line at Mill.
Looking forward for your answers,

Jaap Woortman
Secretary Dutch Study Group Airwar 1939-1945
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Old 18th October 2006, 13:42
rob van den nieuwendijk rob van den nieuwendijk is offline
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rob van den nieuwendijk
Re: looking for info on HE-111 losses over Holland, 10th may 1940

Hello Peter and Jaap,

The NVM states that
Pilot Uffz Gotthold Klenk
BS Gefr Rudolf Schlegel
BF Uffz Hans Zitzmann
BM Uffz Willi Wiebke

"Flugzeug b. Waalhaven notgelandet." Lazarett Zitzmann unkown. Klenk, Schlegel and Wiebke returned from Dutch POW on 16 May 40. Klenk KIA 14.01.45, Schlegel MIA 17.09.43.

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