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Old 1st January 2008, 17:12
mrbishop mrbishop is offline
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Seeking information

Hello, I am seeking information concerning the names of the German interrogators at the Dulag Luft at Oberursel integration center who interviewed captured B-17 crews from Rougham, Bury St Edmunds.
I am searching for the German interrogator who interviewed my father-in-law S/Sgt James E. Theiss and his crew on about August 7, 8th, 9th or 10th 1944 at the Oberursel, Frankfurt integration center. I have additional information concerning that German officer. He lived in Woodhaven, Queens New York before the war with his parents who owned and ran a candy store there. The officer went to grammar in Woodhaven Queens and Brooklyn Tech High School in Brooklyn, New York with S/Sgt James E Theiss. They were friends and played together. The German Officer and his family lived in the same building with Theiss. Theiss last seen the officer before the outbreak of the war in Queens and then one day the officer was gone. The next time Theiss seen him was at the interrogation center. When my father-in-law went into the interrogation the German said Hello Jim how are you. When my father-in-law returned to his crew and was asked what was up with the German, he told them about when they were kids in Queens New York. My father-in-law never spoke of his war experiences and passed away in 1990.
I received this information from one of Theiss’s crewmembers that was captured with him on Aug 6 1944. Radio operator, S/Sgt Forest E. Crosman Jr. Ser# 31218091. MACR # 8075.
Aircrew that was captured with Theiss. Pilot O. A. Spenst, Co Pilot L.F. Metzroth, Navigator E. Pacek, Bombardier I.C. Dodd, Engineer R.D. Hurd, Radio operator F.E. Crosman, Top Turret gunner C.H. Brown. Member of the crew Frank Trilling was KIA in the North Sea were they ditched the their B-17.
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Old 1st January 2008, 22:53
Rolfeb Rolfeb is offline
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Re: Seeking information

Hi mrbishob,

difficult to say it because there were a lot of nterrogators. The head of the camp was Scharff (family name)
Don't know if this help.
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Old 2nd January 2008, 18:20
mrbishop mrbishop is offline
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Re: Seeking information

Hello Rolf, Thanks for the reply. Hope all is well.
During Aug of 44 when he was captured, there were only 67 interrogators at Dulag Luft Oberursel. I have been using the following sites.
The Interrogators
Army Air Forces
I also reached out to Schraff's son Hanns-Claudius Scharff.
As you said it is not easy but still chipping away. If you come across anything please reach out. My email is

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