He-111 loss (Taran) - Night 28/29th July 1941-Moscow
Trying to tie in the reported loss of a He-111 in the Istra district west of Moscow on the night of 29/30th July at around 1.36am Moscow Time? (23.36pm German time?)
(Date is confusing as it says late in the night of 29th July and then refers to 1.36am which is early in the morning -29th or 30th July??)
It is thought that SLt Petr Eremeev of 27IAP downed a He-111 by 'Taran' after using all of his ammunition. He removed the stabilizer and rudder with his prop.
It seemed at least the pilot managed to bail out and supposedly return to his lines and reported the loss of his aircraft by ramming.It is reported to be the only one covered in German documents?
This has come from the Soviet archives. Trying to look past any propaganda possibilities to see if there was a He111 lost this night.
Does anyone know anything more?
Last edited by markjsheppard; 21st January 2009 at 21:53.
Reason: date is confusing????