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Old 7th January 2005, 00:27
Larry Larry is offline
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Unclaimed Ju88 losses in the Battle of Britain

In the Battle of Britain, pilots of the Special Duty Flight at RAF Christchurch, Hampshire attacked and shot down at least two Luftwaffe aircraft. The victories were confirmed but have never been matched to Luftwaffe losses possibly as the SDF was not in Fighter Command. On 2nd September a Do215 (Ju88) was confirmed as shot down in to the sea ten miles SW of the Needles, IOW by Sqn Ldr PE Meagher in Hurricane L1562. Could this have been the Ju88 F6+DK of 2(F)122 lost without trace that day? Then on 19th September 1940 F/Lt DL Rayment, again in Hurricane L1562, shot down a lone Ju88 which crashed in to the sea ten miles south of St. Catherine’s Point, IOW. Perhaps this was a Ju88 aircraft from either I/KG51 or I/KGr 806, as both units lost an aircraft without trace the same day. (Previously F/Lt Douglas L Rayment had badly damaged a Ju88 over Blanford on 12th September 1940, while flying Blenheim Mk IVF, P4832 but this was only claimed as damaged)

Can anyone provide details of the operations these missing Ju88's were flying and whether their missions took them anywhere near the Isle of Wight on 2nd & 19th September 1940
Larry Hayward
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Old 8th January 2005, 18:38
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Peter Cornwell Peter Cornwell is offline
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Unclaimed Ju88 losses

Thank you Larry for bringing these claims to attention. I readily concede that, along with seemingly every other chronicler of the period, I have overlooked this important aspect of the Battle. If you would care to contact me off-line I will be happy to exchange views with you on the subject.

Your conclusion regarding the Ju88 of 2(F)/122 lost on 2.9.1940 seems safe enough, though I note it was claimed as a Do215. Its last wireless message was timed at 17.00 CET if that ties in with Meager's claim ?

It is highly likely that the Ju88 shot down by Rayment on 19.9.1940 was indeed the 3/KG51 lost that day during a daylight raid on the Gloster Aircraft works at Hucclecote as two of its crew were later washed ashore on the Sussex coast. But I have nothing further to add to what is known of the I/KGr806 loss that day.

Finally, I commend your reluctance to conclude that a Ju88 of 1(F)/122 reported missing on 12.9.1940 was that claimed as 'damaged' by Rayment over Blandford. It was officially recorded lost during a sortie 'N Qu.2220-65 Ost' but this makes little sense to me at present.

Finally, these are not the only claims filed by non-operational RAF units as several OTUs also got into the action. Thanks for a most interesting posting.

Peter Cornwell
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