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Old 14th January 2006, 09:24
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Which Allied unit made the attack?


I've got a date and location for an allied attack on a Luftwaffe airfield in France, but I don't know which allied unit made the attack. Is there a good way of back tracking the unit from the known date and location? How can I go forward with this? Any suggestions appreciated. I'd be interested in locating Allied damage assesment reports etc for the attack made.

Best regards
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Old 14th January 2006, 12:11
Smithy Smithy is offline
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Re: Which Allied unit made the attack?

If you have a date and location list it here as that might be enough to work from, especially if it´s a target which had bombers allocated as a primary target. If it´s a RAF attack which occurred during a Rhubarb op (or similar ground target of opportunity) that could be slightly more difficult.

But please post the details!

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Old 14th January 2006, 17:54
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Re: Which Allied unit made the attack?

Hi Tim,

It's the Lyon-Brone air base that was attacked on 30 April 1944. My guess is that it was a day light attack with either twin engined or four engined bombers.

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Old 14th January 2006, 18:49
shooshoobaby shooshoobaby is offline
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Re: Which Allied unit made the attack?

At least 2 U S Bomb Groups involved. 92d and 458th. 92d lost 1 a/c #2107012 , crashed Lyon MACR 4466. Escorts were from 4th FG,357th FG.
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Old 15th January 2006, 01:07
Smithy Smithy is offline
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Re: Which Allied unit made the attack?

I think this might be the info you are after...

2. Bomber Report
Two bomber forces, totalling 240 B-17s, were dispatched against airfields in south-central France, and one force of 55 B-24s was assigned to attack a military installation in the Pas-de-Calais area. All targets were successfully attacked, with results assessed as fair to very good. About 40 enemy fighters, the maximum sighted by any force or its escort on this operation, were encountered by the bombers attacking Lyon/Bron, and these accounted for only one bomber lost. One hundred and fourteen B-17s dropped 277.5 tons of 1,000-lb. G.P. bombs on the Primary-Target at Lyon/Bron airfield with very good results. One hundred and eighteen B-17s dropped 294.5 tons of 1,000-lb. G.P. bombs on Clermont-Ferrand airfield. Good results. Fifty-two B-24s dropped 203.0 tons of 1,000-lb. G.P. on a military installation at Siracourt. Fair results.
a. Penetration-Support 1st ATF 1st Division: Lyon/Bron

viii fc 78th 'A' FG 32 P-47 Thunderbolt 08.04-11.00 F.O. 321 4 - 1 - 4 FW 190 No casualty H-BS: Lyon/Bron

(A) 78th 'A' Fighter Group, Major Gilbert leading (B) 32 P-47s, up 08.04 down 11.00 hours (C) 2 abortive sorties (D) Field Order # 321 (E) nil (F) 1 Cat. unknown (G) nil (H) Claims 4-1-4 (air) (I) Made rendezvous with the bombers over Cabourg, 08.57 hours, at 22,000 feet. Received no vectors from 'Snackbar Control', so the escort was continued to the north of Orléans where the bombers were left at 09.30 hours, two minutes after other P-47s made their rendezvous. At 09.20 hours, 'Snackbar Control' reported enemy 'Bandits' ahead of us, on the bomber route, and the 83rd Squadron took position above and ahead of the leading-box. Twenty-plus FW 190s started a 12 o'clock attack on the low box; half split-ess'ed when 'bounced', the rest tried to continue the attack, but were engaged before the attack could be carried home. No bombers were in trouble. Fighter-to-bomber intercom. was good. One Ju 88 and one un-identified aircraft were observed on a grass field north of Dreux. No shipping seen. Crossed out St. Valéry-en-Caux, 10.10 hours, at 14,000 feet.

Ë Claim 30.04.44 1/Lt. A.M. Juchheim 78th FG 83rd Sqn. 2 - 1 - 1 FW 190 Dreux
Ë Claim 30.04.44 1/Lt. A.M. Juchheim 78th FG 83rd Sqn. 0 - 1 - 0 FW 190 Dreux
Ë Claim 30.04.44 1/Lt. A.M. Juchheim 78th FG 83rd Sqn. 0 - 0 - 1 FW 190 Dreux
Ë Claim 30.04.44 Maj. O.E. Gilbert 78th FG 83rd Sqn. 1 - 0 - 0 FW 190 S.W. Paris
Ë Claim 30.04.44 Lt. W.M. McDermott 78th FG 83rd Sqn. ½ - 0 - 0 FW 190 Dreux
Ë Claim 30.04.44 Lt. F. White 78th FG 83rd Sqn. ½ - 0 - 0 FW 190 Dreux
Ë Claim 30.04.44 Lt. L.R. Casey 78th FG 83rd Sqn. 0 - 0 - 1 FW 190 Dreux
Ë Claim 30.04.44 Lt. E.T. Kitley 78th FG 83rd Sqn. 0 - 0 - 2 FW 190 Dreux

viii fc 359th FG 46 P-47 Thunderbolt 08.09-12.08 F.O. 321 2 - 0 - 1 Me 410 No casualty H-BS: Lyon/Bron

(A) 359th Fighter Group, Major Irvine leading (B) 46 P-47s, up 08.09 down 12.08 hours (C) 3 abortive sorties (D) Field Order # 321 (E) 3 Cat.A, 2 Cat.AC (F) and (G) nil (H) Claims: 2-0-1 (ground): Ground and/or water targets claimed by Group (aircraft excluded): one ammunition-dump destroyed and one hangar damaged by Lt. Janney: one hangar damaged by Capt. Mosse: one dispersal are damaged by Lt. Burton: one dispersal area damaged by Capt. White; all pilots of 368th Squadron (I) Landfall-in between Dieppe and Le Tréport, 09.01 hours, at 19,000 feet. Saw the bombers off to the west, so altered course in that direction, making rendezvous at Chartres, 09.23 hours, at 24,000 feet. Bombers in good formation but stacked-up 3,000 to 4,000 feet higher than briefed, and not abreast. Un-eventful escort and broke-off over la Charité, 09.48 hours, at 25,000 feet when P-51s relieved us. Immediately thereafter, bombers were heard saying they were being attacked by twin-engined aircraft, so our lead-squadrons rejoined them. They were in no apparent trouble so we withdrew at 09.52 hours, when over Nevers at 25,000 feet. Our third squadron attacked Orléans/Bricy airdrome at 10.00 hours, with the above results. Ten-plus twin-engined aircraft seen on this airfield. Large airfield at Mondesir (Étampes) in good condition. Twenty camouflaged revetments observed. Twenty dummy single-engined aircraft parked at Beauvais airfield. Made landfall-out Dieppe to Le Tréport, 10.57 hours, at 15,000 feet. Flak intense, heavy and accurate at Chartres. Vertical visibility obstructed by haze.

ê Claim 30.04.44 Capt. C.E. Mosse 359th FG 368th Sqn. 1 - 0 - 0 Me 410 10.00: Orléans/Bricy
ê Claim 30.04.44 Lt. R.B. Janney 359th FG 368th Sqn. 1 - 0 - 0 Me 410 10.00: Orléans/Bricy
ê Claim 30.04.44 Lt. R.B. Janney 359th FG 368th Sqn. 0 - 0 - 1 Me 410 10.00: Orléans/Bricy

ix fc 363rd FG 53 P-51 Mustang 08.24-13.15 F.O. 195 1 - 0 - 1 Me 109G 1 Cat.E H-BS: Lyon/Bron

(A) 363rd Fighter Group, IX Fighter Command (B) 53 P-51s, up 08.24 down 13.15 hours (C) 2 abortive sorties (D) Field Order # 195:IX Fighter Command (E) 1 Cat.E lost (F) nil (G) Lt. C.H. Moore, baled-out (H) Claims: 1-0-1 Me 109 (air) (I) Landfall-in Le Tréport, 09.00 hours, at 12,000 feet. Rendezvoused with bombers near Sancerre, 09.44 hours, at 18,000 feet. Left bombers in the vicinity of Roanne, 11.02 hours, at 18,000 feet. Landfall-out Cabourg, 12.18 hours, at 16,000 feet. Rendezvoused with B-17s with triangle with 'J' in the middle. Flew briefed course, escorted bombers over the target. Observed bombing at 10.45 hours, from 21,000 feet. Bombing results excellent; concentrated hits by three boxes of bombers observed in hangar and buildings area, on south-western and north corners of the field. Fires observed and subsequent black oil-like smoke. Direct-hits seen on runway and buildings in west side of field. Four Me 109s attacked the rear portion of B-17 box, from above, near Montargis. Dispersed with the resulting claims. Two army camps observed four miles west of Thury-Harcourt, another at Bretteville-Surl. One B-17 seen going down near Ambigny: seven chutes seen.

`Cat.E 30.04.44 2/Lt. Charles H. Moore: MiA 363rd FG 380th Sqn. P-51B-10: 42-106643 Me 109s ↓Montargis

Ë Claim 30.04.44 Pilot wanting 363rd FG 380th Sqn. 1 - 0 - 0 Me 109G Montargis
Ë Claim 30.04.44 Pilot wanting 363rd FG 380th Sqn. 0 - 0 - 1 Me 109G Montargis

b. Target-Support 1st ATF 1st Division: Lyon/Bron

ix fc 354th FG 47 P-51 Mustang 08.47-13.30 F.O. 195 0 - 0 - 0 - No casualty H-BS: Lyon/Bron

(A) 354th Fighter Group, IX Fighter Command (B) 47 P-51s, up 08.47 down 13.30 hours (C) no abortive sorties (D) Field Order # 195: IX Fighter Command (E) nil (F) 3 Cat.A (G) and (H) nil (I) Landfall-in north of Dieppe, 09.10 hours, at 17,000 feet. Made rendezvous north-west of Lyon, 10.25 hours, at 24,000 feet. Left the bombers north of Nevers at 12.00 hours, at 20,000 feet. Out Dieppe, 12.35 hours, at 16,000 feet. Bombing results excellent. One un-identified aircraft seen to go down 10 miles north of Rambouillet, either a red-nosed P-51 or a FW 190, pilot baled-out, as the result of bomber return-fire.

c. Withdrawal-Support 1st ATF 1st Division: Lyon/Bron

viii fc 353rd FG 47 P-47 Thunderbolt 10.07-14.10 F.O. 321 0 - 0 - 0 - No casualty H-BS: Lyon/Bron

(A) 353rd Fighter Group, Colonel Duncan leading (B) 47 P-47s, up 10.07 down 14.10 hours (C) 2 abortive sorties (D) Field Order # 321 (E) thru (H) nil (I) Landfall-in Le Tréport, 10.46 hours, at 15,000 feet. Rendezvoused with the bombers at 11.32 hours, and while escorting them, 'Vinegrove 1-1' stated that the bombers were 18-22 minutes late. Other Groups of P-51s and P-47s were with the bombers at this time. Group Leader turned south and flew to a point south of Montlucon. No bombers were in this vicinity, so Group flew south making rendezvous with the bombers in the vicinity of Conches, escorting them back to the English coast. Landfall-out Cabourg, St. Valéry and Beauville, 13.01 to 13.22 hours, at 15,000 to 17,000 feet. One squadron carried 14 x 100-lb. G.P. bombs, fuzed 1/10th second (nose) and 0.025 second (tail) delays. Made a 45º dive-angle on Romorantin airdrome from 15,000 feet, releasing at 6,000 to 8,000 feet. Most bombs fell within the north-west hangar area. One hit on barracks, three near-misses on freight-cars on rail-road tracks. Four to five hits parallel to a row of hangars. No Flak. No enemy aircraft seen. No aircraft visible on Châteaudun airfield. Covered revetments resembling houses at Orléans/Bricy airdrome. Camouflaged runways south of Ecrosenes lalnding-field. One aircraft seen on Dreux airdrome. Pilots radio out.

viii fc 56th 'A' FG 24 P-47 Thunderbolt 11.02-14.05 F.O. 321 0 - 0 - 0 - No casualty H-BS: Lyon/Bron
(A) 56th 'A' Fighter Group, Major Lamb leading (B) 24 P-47s, up 11.02 down 14.05 hours (C) one abortive sortie (D) Field Order # 321 (E) thru (H) nil (I) Landfall-in Le Tréport, 11.42 hours, at 14,000 feet. Made rendezvous in the Orléans area, 12.12 hours, at 19,000 to 22,000 feet. Escort-broken Trouville, 12.55 to 13.05 hours, at 10,000 to 12,000 feet. Out Trouville, 12.55 to 13.05 hours, at 10,000 to 12,000 feet. The 353rd Group came out with this Group. P-51s and P-47s seen. Four Combat-Wings of 1st and 3rd Bomb. Division were escorted, formation good. No enemy aircraft seen. Moderate accurate Flak over Châteaudun at 18,000 feet.

d. Freelance Area-Patrol 1st ATF 1st Division: Lyon/Bron

viii fc 355th FG 38 P-51 Mustang 07.33-12.50 F.O. 321 0 - 0 - 0 - No casualty H-BS: Lyon/Bron

(A) 355th Fighter Group, Lieutenant-Colonel Dix leading: later Major Rosenblatt (B) 38 P-51s, up 07.33 down 12.50 hours (C) 5 abortive sorties (D) Field Order #321 (E) thru (H) nil (I) Made landfall-in St. Valéry-en-Caux, 08.17 hours, at 21,000 feet. Proceeded to Châteauroux, thence to Lyons, where Controller vectored the Group to Orléans to investigate reported attacks on bombers. Rendezvoused over Nevers, 09.45 hours, with four boxes of B-17s in good formation, bombers flying at 18,000 feet, the Group at 20,000 feet, in the vicinity of Orléans. Landfall-out, by squadrons, between Cherbourg and Dieppe, from 11.40 to 12.02 hours, from 13,000 to 20,000 feet. Green-nosed P-47s with the bombers at the rendezvous. Blue-nosed, and red-yellow checkered nose P-51s arrived as we left the bombers. Two aircraft burning on an airfield north of Rousen, at 10.20 hours Radio good.

viii fc 4th FG 43 P-51 Mustang 07.15-13.00 F.O. 321 5 - 0 - 11 Various 1 Cat.E H-BS: Lyon/Bron

(A) 4th Fighter Group, Colonel Blakeslee leading (B) 43 P-51s, up 07.15 down 13.00 hours (C) 3 abortive sorties (D) Field Order # 321 (E) 3 Cat. unknown (F) 1 Cat.E lost (G) 2/Lt. Fred W. Glover, 336th Sqn., missing (H) Claims 1-0-0 (air): 4-0-11 (ground) (I) Made landfall-in Boulogne, 08.00 hours, at 17,000 feet. Climbed to 25,000 feet, reaching Dijon at 09.00 hours lost altitude towards Lyon, to conduct a sweep of the Lyon-Valence area, and back to Lyon which was reached at 10.40 hours, at 20,000 feet. Saw the B-17s bombing, but did not join them as they were not being attacked and had an escort with them. Landfall-out Cayeux, 12.15 hours, at 16,000 feet. When 20 miles north of Lyon, a Me 110 at 3,000 feet was 'bounced' by three P-51s from 7,000 feet, and destroyed. The 336th Squadron attacked four un-identified twin-engined hull-type seaplanes, moored on a river on the north-eastern side of Lyon, destroying three and damaging one. A section of the same Squadron attacked Valence airdrome, damaging one un-identified twin-engined aircraft and a Caudron-Goeland. An un-determined number of Ju 88s were seen parked under trees. After this attack, Lieutenant Glover's P-51 was seen to stream glycol, and was last observed heading towards Switzerland. A section of the 334th Squadron strafed Lyon/Bron airdrome destroying a Me 110, and damaging three Me 110s and a He 111. A section from the 335th Squadron attacked an un-identified airfield to the west of Lyon damaging a He 111 glider-tug, one Ju 88 and two Cub-type aircraft. Twenty to thirty un-serviceable aircraft were seen and shot-up on St. Rambert d’Albon airdrome. On the airdromes attacked, moderate light-Flak was encountered.

`Cat.E 30.04.44 2/Lt. Fred W. Glover: MiA-E 4th FG 336th Sqn. P-51B-15: 42-106856 Flak ↓Valence

[Accredited Claims: 4th FG 1-0-0 air 6-0-5 ground/water]

Ë Claim 30.04.44 Capt. W.M. Sobanski 4th FG 334th Sqn. 2 - 0 - 0 Me 110 N. Lyon
Ë Claim 30.04.44 Lt. J.L. Lang 4th FG 334th Sqn. 2 - 0 - 0 Me 110 N. Lyon
Ë Claim 30.04.44 Lt. S.W. Monroe 4th FG 334th Sqn. 2 - 0 - 0 Me 110 N. Lyon

ê Claim 30.04.44 Col. D.J.M. Blakeslee 4th FG HQ Sqn. ½ - 0 - 0 Do 24 Lyon Anchorage
ê Claim 30.04.44 Lt. J.L. Lang 4th FG 334th Sqn. 1 - 0 - 0 Me 110 Lyon
ê Claim 30.04.44 Lt. J.L. Lang 4th FG 334th Sqn. 0 - 0 - 2 Me 110 Lyon
ê Claim 30.04.44 Lt. J.L. Lang 4th FG 334th Sqn. 0 - 0 - 1 He 111 Lyon
ê Claim 30.04.44 Lt. S.W. Monroe 4th FG 334th Sqn. 0 - 0 - 1 Me 110 Lyon/Bron
ê Claim 30.04.44 Lt. F.W. Glover 4th FG 336th Sqn. 1½ - 0 - 0 Unident: Valence A/D
ê Claim 30.04.44 Capt. J.T. Godfrey 4th FG 336th Sqn. ½ - 0 - 0 Do 24 Lyon Anchorage
ê Claim 30.04.44 Lt. T.K. McDill 4th FG 336th Sqn. ½ - 0 - 0 Do 24 Lyon Anchorage
ê Claim 30.04.44 Lt. H.H. Frederick 4th FG 336th Sqn. ½ - 0 - 0 Unident: Valence A/D
ê Claim 30.04.44 Lt. J.A. Patteeuw 4th FG 336th Sqn. ½ - 0 - 0 Do 24 Lyon Anchorage
ê Claim 30.04.44 Lt. S.F. Harris 4th FG 336th Sqn. ½ - 0 - 0 Do 24 Lyon Anchorage
ê Claim 30.04.44 Lt. W.E. Johnson 4th FG 336th Sqn. ½ - 0 - 0 Do 24 Lyon Anchorage
Claim 30.04.44 Lt. W.W. Millikan 4th FG 336th Sqn. 0 - 0 - 1 Do 24 Lyon Anchorage
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Old 15th January 2006, 13:09
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Re: Which Allied unit made the attack?

Hi guys,

I'm duly impressed! Thanks a lot. That helped!

What's the archival reference of that "2.bomber report" if want to look at other missions?

Best wishes
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Old 15th January 2006, 22:39
Smithy Smithy is offline
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Re: Which Allied unit made the attack?


It´s just the second part of this particular intelligence report.

Here is where it comes from with other reports and goodies which you might find useful:


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Old 31st January 2010, 18:57
kb kb is offline
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Re: Which Allied unit made the attack?

Presumably JG2 was the opposition vs 78th FG?
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Old 31st January 2010, 23:20
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Re: Which Allied unit made the attack?

Not that I can add much but here is what I have for this particular op.

Eighth A.F. - 240 Fortresses and 55 Liberators were despatched to attack two airfrields and a Noball target in France. As a result of these operations 1 Fortress is missing due to flake. The enemy opposition was confined to some 47 T. and S.E. fighters.

Target: Lyon/Bron A/F - 114 Forts - 277.5 Tons G.P. - Results, very good.
Target: Siracourt - 52 Libs - 203 Tons G.P.
Target: Cleromont-Ferpand/Aulnat A/F - 118 Forts - 294.5 Tons G.P. - Results, good.

A lot happend on this date...

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