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Old 30th November 2008, 09:48
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I./JG 76 losses on op. Market Garden

Hi all.

I am looking for any , at least summarized losses of I/JG 76 in month October, especially during op Market Garden..Did they fly against airborne units? In claim lists no activity is visible...
Peter Kassak
peterkassak (aT)

also: Zerstorer Research Work Group,
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Old 1st December 2008, 01:12
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Re: I./JG 76 losses on op. Market Garden

Hi, Peter

Have no idea what they did. Lost one aircraft on 11.10.1944, the pilot was wounded, so a NVM should exist.

Andreas B
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Old 1st December 2008, 07:48
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Re: I./JG 76 losses on op. Market Garden

Thanks Andreas
Peter Kassak
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"Geschichte des Zerstörergeschwader 76"
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Old 1st December 2008, 21:35
John Manrho John Manrho is offline
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Re: I./JG 76 losses on op. Market Garden


I./JG 76 lost several pilots during Market Garden as they were part of 3. JD. They also posted some claims. What are you looking for?


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Old 2nd December 2008, 08:01
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Re: I./JG 76 losses on op. Market Garden

Hi John and thanks
It is just marginal interest...I./JG 76 was ex I./ZG 76 wich is in my research scope right I wanted to know how the continued, maybe how some pilots ended. If some who had success with ZG 76 died while with I. JG for example Dziarnowski...
Can you help with this? we can discuss it offboard as well...

Peter Kassak
peterkassak (aT)

also: Zerstorer Research Work Group,
"Geschichte des Zerstörergeschwader 76"
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Old 2nd December 2008, 10:10
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Re: I./JG 76 losses on op. Market Garden

Hi, John and Peter!

Please do not discuss off board

Checking with regards to dates I come up with the following 'timespan' for Market Garden, 17.9.1944 - 25.9.1944

Returning to Peters initial question I am definitely interested in obtaining information that might not have been reported. I have a LOT of losses for this unit on the days leading up to 17.9.1944, but then it fades out, and I wonder what you have found John.

I will list what I have myself:

Aircraft losses:

Goddammit -- why cant this stupid board accept html tables.... will have to rewrite tonight

Personnel losses:

Goddammit -- why cant this stupid board accept html tables.... will have to rewrite tonight

Do you have further information? Could it be that the losses for Market Garden where filed by another unit?

Andreas B

Last edited by Andreas Brekken; 2nd December 2008 at 10:18. Reason: Tables not appearing correctly
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Old 2nd December 2008, 10:27
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Re: I./JG 76 losses on op. Market Garden

HI both

I made a mystake, a bit...moving Market Garden a month later sorry for this...
Seeing victory list, they claimed 5 P-51s on sept 11, and 7 B-17s on the next day...
then next victories on sept. 27...i believe it was related to bad weather, which also lead to not very succesfull start of Market Garden op.
BUT, some losses were recorded during those two weeks (Andreas we know the numbers right? )So did they try to fly or try to fly against the Dakotas etc...or was it connected to other air operations?combats?

As I said I am interested in this I./JG 76 only due to the fact that most of the pilots were former ZG 76 pilots and want to know soem stories if there are any possible to read out of it. John thus info on Dziarnowski and Bischoff, and others would be warmly welcomed...
Peter Kassak
peterkassak (aT)

also: Zerstorer Research Work Group,
"Geschichte des Zerstörergeschwader 76"
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Old 2nd December 2008, 22:05
John Manrho John Manrho is offline
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Re: I./JG 76 losses on op. Market Garden


Ok, I will make a summary and post it here. Might take a few days as I am traveling till next Tuesday.

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Old 3rd December 2008, 22:51
John Manrho John Manrho is offline
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Re: I./JG 76 losses on op. Market Garden


this is what I made some time ago. Maybe not completely up to date...but probably better then what you have now;

Einsätze und Verluste der I./JG 76 während Market-Garden September 1944

KTB 3. JD: Einsatz 14.45-16.25 Uhr mit 26 Bf 109, Auftrag: Bekämpfung feindlicher Luftlandetruppen im Raum Arnheim. 5 FF vermisst gemeldet. 1 Bf 109 in Oberwiese notgelandet. Uffz. Ibold meldet Abschuss einer Mustang.

Bf 109, ?, ?, I./JG 76, 100%, Lt. Reich, schwer verwundet.
Bf 109, ?, ?, 2./JG 76, besch., Uffz. Walter Ibold, leicht verwundet. Bei Recklinghausen.
Bf 109, ?, ?, I./JG 76, 100%, Uffz. Schmidt, gefallen.
Bf 109, ?, ?, 4./JG 76, besch., Uffz. Treibmann, unverwundet.
Bf 109, ?, ?, 3./JG 76, Gefr. Heinz Neumann, glatt gelandet (Nachmeldung).

Uffz. Ibold, 2./JG 76, P-51, Raum KP 2 Sinsen: 500-600 m. 16.00, Anerk.

KTB 3. JD: Einsatz 08.45-10.10 Uhr mit 15 Bf 109, Auftrag: Tiefangriffe auf starke Truppenmassierungen Straße Nijmegen-Grave-Veghel. Unternehmen im Raum nördlich Nijmegen wegen Schlechtwetter im Angriffsraum abgebrochen. Keine Verluste.

KTB 3. JD: Kein Einsatz.

KTB 3. JD: Kein Einsatz.

KTB 3. JD: Kein Einsatz.

KTB 3. JD: Einsatz 08.13-09.45 Uhr mit 26 Bf 109, Auftrag: Freikämpfen des Raumes Nijwegen von Feindjägern für den Gefechstverband Späthe (III./JG 11 + IV./JG 54). Keine Abschüsse. Es wurden trotz stärker Flakabwehr Tiefangriffe auf Brückenkopf Nijmegen durchgeführt. Weitere Tiefangriffe Raum O Driel und Oosterbeek.

KTB 3. JD: Einsatz 14.50-16.42 Uhr mit 27 Bf 109, Auftrag: Bekämpfung feindlicher Landetruppen und Übersetzverkehr über Rhein zwischen Driel und Heteren. Angriff nur Südufer, da Lage am Nordufer infolge eigene Gegenangriffe unklar.Keine Abschüsse. 1 Bf 109 vermisst, eine beschädigt.

Bf 109, ?, ?, I./JG 76, 100%, ???

KTB 3. JD: 1. Einsatz 13.07-14.53 Uhr mit 23 Bf 109, Auftrag: Jabojagd und Tiefangriffe im Raum Driel und Straßenkreuzung südl. Driel zur Unterstützung des Heeres. 2 Bf 109 vermisst, keine Abschüsse.

Bf 109, ?, ?, I./JG 76, 100%, ???
Bf 109, ?, ?, I./JG 76, 100%, ???

KTB 3. JD: 2. Einsatz 17.30-18.42 Uhr mit 19 Bf 109, Auftrag: Jabojagd und Tiefangriffe zur Unterstützung des Heeres. Angriffsschwerpunkt: Raum südl. Driel und neuer Landeraum Lastensegler und Fallschirmtruppen (IM3-4) Keine Verluste, keine Abschüsse.

KTB 3. JD: 1. Einsatz 12.35-14.35 Uhr mit 29 Bf 109, Auftrag: Freie Jagd im Raume Arnheim-Nijmegen. Schwerpunkt S Driel – W Elst. Fallss weder Jabo noch Jäger im Raume, dann Tiefangriffe. LK mit Spitfire. 5 FF Vermisst, 1 Verwundeter. 2 Spitfire sicher abgeschossen, 2 warscheinlich.

Bf 109, ?, ?, 1./JG 76, 100%, Uffz. Emil Frech, gefallen, bei Rees.
Bf 109G-14, 461997, schwarze 3, 2./JG 76, 100%, Ofw. Franz-Josef Bernauer, gefallen, bei Zeddam.
(Ysselsteyn, Grab CA-14-343)
Bf 109G-14, 461393, schwarze 14, 2./JG 76, 100%, Hptm. Heinz Dziarnowski, vermisst.
Bf 109, ?, ?, I./JG 76, 100%, ???
Bf 109, ?, ?, I./JG 76, 100%, ???

Obgefr. Hagedorn, 4./JG 76, Spitfire , Raum 05 Ost S/IN: 500-800 m. [Emm.], 13.26 Uhr, Anerk.
Ltn. Böer, 3./JG 76, Spitfire, Raum 05 Ost S/HM 3: 1.300 m. [Apeldoorn], 13.47 Uhr, Anerk.
Gefr. Sachse, 4./JG 76, Spitfire, Raum 05 Ost S/IN 2 at 600 m. [Emmerich], 13.50 Uhr, Anerk.
Fw. Porschatis, 2./JG 76, Spitfire, Raum östw. Emmerich at 1.000 m, 13.55 Uhr, VNE/ASM.
Obgefr. Maier, 2./JG 76, Spitfire, Raum 05 Ost S/IN 5-6 at 800 m. [Emm.], 13.55 Uhr,VNE/ ASM

KTB 3. JD: 2. Einsatz 17.20-18.45 Uhr mit 16 Bf 109, Auftrag: Tiefangriffe und Jabojagd im Raume Arnheim und Nijmegen. Schwerpunkt Driel und Elst. Keine Verluste, keine Abschüsse.

KTB 3. JD: Kein Einsatz.

KTB 3. JD: Einsatz 10.34-12.10 Uhr mit 19 Bf 109, Auftrag: Einsatz in Zusammenarbeit mit Verbänden II. Jagdkorps zum Schutz Bereitstellungen des Heeres gegen feindliche Kampfflugzeuge und Jabos. Raum Arnheim – Nijmegen – Pannerden – Niederrhein. 8 FF vermisst, 3 Spitfire sicher, 1 Thunderbolt sicher und 2 Spitfire warscheinlich.

Bf 109G-14/U4, 510917, weisse 7, 1./JG 76, 100%, Uffz. Adam Bauer, gefallen, bei Kleve.
(Donsbrügger Heide, Grab 254)
Bf 109G-14, 784008, schwarze 12, 2./JG 76, 100%, Gefr. Hans Bürger, vermisst, Raum Arnheim.
Bf 109G-14, 460408, gelbe 4, 3./JG 76, 100%, Gefr. Georg Kuhr, Gefangenschaft, Raum Arnheim.
Bf 109G-14, 462495, gelbe 5, 3./JG 76, 100%, Ogfr. Heinz Neumann, gefallen,
(Donsbrügger Heide, Grab 2213)
Bf 109G-14, 462706, gelbe 12, 3./JG 76, 100%, Ofhr. Wilhelm Pütthoff, gefallen, bei Kleve.
(Donsbrügger Heide, Grab 586)
Bf 109G-14, 510976, blaue 8, 4./JG 76, 100%, Uffz. Paul Schmitt, vermisst, Raum Arnheim.
Bf 109G-14, 166019, schwarze 11, 2./JG 76, 100%, Flg. Günther Voß, vermisst, Raum Arnheim.
(Grab Donsbrügger Heide u.d.U.?)
Bf 109, ?, ?, I./JG 76, 100%, ???

Ltn. Böer, 4./JG 76, P-47, Raum JN-1/JN-2: 800 m. [Nijmegen], 11.19 Uhr, Anerk.
Ltn. Böer, 4./JG 76, Spitfire, Raum JN-1/JN-2: 800 m. [Nijmegen], 11.22-25 Uhr, VNE/ASM.
Ofhr. Michel, 1./JG 76, Spitfire, Raum IN-7 at 700 m. [Reichsw.-Kleve], 11.23 Uhr. Anerk: ASM
Ltn. Passow, 1./JG 76, Spitfire, Raum IM-6/IN-4: 7-800 m. [Nijmegen-Kleve], 11.24 Uhr, Anerk.
Uffz. Dangl, 1./JG 76, Spitfire, Raum IN-45 at 300 m. [Reichsw b. Goch], 11.24 Uhr,Anerk: ASM
Obgefr. Maier, 2./JG 76, Spitfire, Raum IN-4 at 600 m. [Reichsw b. Goch],11.27 Uhr,Anerk:ASM
Uffz. Treibmann, 4./JG 76, Spitfire, Raum IN 4 at 800 m. [Reischsw. b. Goch], 11.20 Uhr, Anerk.

KTB 3. JD: Kein Einsatz.


Bf 109G-14, 460556, blaue 10, 4./JG 76, 100%, Lt. Böer, vermisst, Raum Arnheim-Nijmegen.

Ltn. Fick, 2./JG 76, Spitfire, Raum HM-9 od. HN-7: 4.500 m. [Ede], 11.12 Uhr, Anerk: ASM
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Old 4th December 2008, 07:50
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Re: I./JG 76 losses on op. Market Garden

Hi, guys

Very interesting overview John. Now we only have to link these to the correct reports... which might be a quite interesting job!

Looking through my data, we have to establish at least two things:

1. What unit designation did the aircraft flown by the pilots registered as being part of I./JG 76 get reported by?

2. What unit designation did the pilots get reported as belongong to.

It is of interest to note that at least a few of these losses where reported by IV./JG 300. For some reason, this designation was used for some aircraft on for example 12.9., 13.9., 18.9 and 19.9 - but then there is a 'hole' until the unit designation IV./JG 300 is used again from 5.11. So what is going on? What unit were the so called 'Halter' of the aircraft operated? Other references I have state that the IV./JG 300 were not formed until end of September... and yet there must have been some confusion with regards to the use of the new designation.

I am not an expert on the units in this area, you got an idea John?

Andreas B
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