Re: Questions on 8th AF Swinemünde raid on 12 March 1945
Hello Chris
I have again problems in sending messages. A new try.
Thanks again for the info. It would be nice to have info on the loads of 2 and 3 AD but the most important info for me was that their loads were much the same that those of the 1 AD. Most important was that there was no Mk 81s or other frags. And source information is always welcome.
As I understand Helmut Schnatz’s article (and my knowledge on German has always been very limited and is nowadays also very rusty) is that he tries to deny the claim, which seems to have gaining ground in today’s Germany , of 23.000 killed. According to him 4.000 – 5.000 killed is a more realistic figure.
Friedrich writes that there were over 1.600 identified dead but that most victims were buried without identification. According to him the figure of 23.000 killed is from local sources but he also has his doubts and writes that maybe a ½ or a third of that number is the truth.
Thanks again