View Full Version : Looking for info on a crashed Ju52 in Romania 1941

21st February 2013, 14:36
Unfortunately i don't have many details, all i know is that it crashed on 21 april 1941 due to weather conditions near the Apuseni Mountains, near Brad, killing 18 paratroopers and crew.

Any help would be appreciated !

Matti Salonen
21st February 2013, 15:18
1941-04-21, Verb.Major Badekuhl, Ju 52/3m, 5264, NO+RH, Maruschtal, nördlich Deva, Absturz infolge Bedienungsfehler. Bruch 100 %. Flugzeughalter Fallschirmschule 3.
Flugzeugführer Fw Werner, Fritz, +
Beobachter Uffz Sawatzki, Heinz, +
Bordfunker Gefr Kanis, Albert, +
Bordmechaniker Uffz Grabau, Karl-Heinz, +
Fluggast Gefr Föhl, Max, +
Fluggast Ogfr Grätsch, Paul, +
Fluggast Soldat Halik, Josef, +
Fluggast Soldat Minden, Johann, +
Fluggast Gefr Nohns, Willi, +
Fluggast Gefr Nürnberger, Joseph, +
Fluggast Gefr Pemoller, Hans, +
Fluggast Uffz Schiller, Gerhard, +
Fluggast Gefr Schultz, Helmut, +
Fluggast Gefr Schulze, Fritz, +
Fluggast Fw Senger, Charly, +
Fluggast Gefr Sommer, Paul, +
Besatzung von Fallschirmschule III und Fluggäste von 1./Fallschirm Pi-Batl.


21st February 2013, 17:00
Fantastic Matti, many thanks !

21st February 2013, 19:31
Here is a picture of their funeral, 2 of the paratroopers survived by managing to open their chutes after a 2000 m freefall, and they can be seen in front of the group.


They were buried in Deva, Romania.

25th February 2013, 23:14
I am interested in this topic. I can say with certainty that soldiers remember in previous posts buried in Orastie personally saw their graves. Today the site is a memorial tombs engraved names.
Like I said I'm interested in the subject, also during funeral picture, if possible I would like to purchase or if you kindly give me a copy I would be grateful.
Also I'm interested in any information about this topic: reports, documents, images, articles, books, etc..
I look forward

27th February 2013, 08:11
I'm trying to locate the crash-site for another Ju52 coded 1Z+??, it's still in Romania 1941.

Matti Salonen
27th February 2013, 10:25
Could be this:
1941-03-23, 4./KG.z.b.V. 1, Ju 52/3m, 5889, Südkarpaten, Unbekannt. Bruch ? %.
Flugzeugführer Uffz Kerwarth, Kurt, verletzt
Bordfunker Uffz Morgenstern, Heinz, +
Bordmechaniker Fw Bär, Ludwig, verletzt
Bombenschütze Uffz Dann, Alfred, verletzt


27th February 2013, 11:08
Many thanks again Matti, too bad the location is unknown.