- 1st Luft Post Ruy? & Me-262 chasing P-51
- Bob Rinder
- Hs 126 with bomb rack
- Captured P-47 - Beetle
- The Final Air Battles over Germany
- Units launching V-1s against UK
- Erich Hartmann vs. P-51
- Order of Battle 1938
- Jagdgeschwader 52 4th staffel
- Bf 109 of IV./JG 27 Bodenplatte
- Photos
- Leutnant Erick Bodendieck, 4./JG 53
- Stuka losses Rhodes
- JU-52/3m Turkish airliner
- Luftwaffe Reaction re: African American Pilots?
- Horridoh again
- Losses FW 190D-9 WNr 210246
- Hauptmann Wilhelm Enßlen, Stab II/JG 52, MIA, 02.11.40.
- Uffz Richard ERNST, 9./StG 2, KIA 22 May 1940
- Leutnant Helmuth Klinker 3./JG 77
- Photos (28-12-2004)
- Fw190A-8 4./JG.1 red 2,3,10
- Did Luft Victory Verification become stricter during WWII?
- HE-219 and DB 603G Engines
- Romanian pilot photos +
- Luftwaffe over Normandy
- Contact Fritz Tegtmeier
- Missing losses reported 03.03.45 available online!
- One Loss at Eastern Front Werknummer 10438
- Fliegerfuehrer Atlantik
- SAAF Liberator lost in Italy March '45
- Halifax bombed over Montorgueil 25/6/44
- Hs 126 rammed by LaGG-3 28.06.42
- accesibility of this forum
- Ofw. Rudolph Mangelsdorf
- Martin Harlinghausen
- Luftwaffe airgunners 1940
- LW flugzeugführer/'Lehrer' Ordensburg(Wewelsburg?)
- On posting photos
- Lt. Bender of JG6 (Fw 190 D-9)
- Information on Luftwaffe War Correspondent.
- Photos (31-12-2004)
- Luftwaffe Flak units
- Fritz Kruse
- KG 200 and Operation “Iron Hammer”
- A few photos + (01-01-2005)
- FW 190F ACE
- Unternehmen Bodenplatte 60th Year Anniversary!
- FW 190 possibly 'Gelbe 3'
- FW 190 Recovered recently
- Photos +
- More info about this Bf109G-6 Trop?
- Nikolaus von Siegert - New book in Brasil, Luftwaffe pilot.
- He 162: Two P-47 Air Victories??
- Photos of german airfields in France during BoB?
- Fw 190 A-8 and D-9 ordnance
- Me262 captured by British troops
- Avia B-534 flight data needed
- identification of 6Z+NP
- Bob Rinder is OK : to reassure Richard T. Eger
- Fi 103RIV (BAPC91 W/Nr 6/2080) Piloted Flying Bomb
- Sonnder oder Frontreparatür betrieb
- New Bf109e aviation art, comments?
- Photos
- Stab NJG3 - DA+FA (?) went down 31.12.1944 over Belgium
- anyone have the Rechlin 190A4 test chart?
- I./SG 77 base in October 1944
- The Day of Armagedon - 22 VI 41
- Fw 190 Foto Identification
- Joachim Jabs and his Bf 110's
- gold kordel
- Do.17 of II/KG2
- Photo of He 162
- Strange parts from Me 210?
- Publ. date for Junkers Flugtriebwerke by Müller, R
- Oblt Philipps, I/KG 30
- Me 109 photos +
- jagdflieger?
- Do.17 of II/KG2
- Ju 88 serial number block 140000,141000,142000,144000
- Bf109G-14
- Looking for Maj. WALTER SIEMENS
- Unclaimed Ju88 losses in the Battle of Britain
- Photos +
- Hptm. Werner Thierfelder - Gruppenkommandeur II./ZG 26 ?
- German military cemetery in Trondheim - help needed
- Superb items on eBay He177 etc
- Star of Africa Claims
- Looking for links about German Short Range Recon Units
- Looking for links about German a/c Losses in Balkan campaign
- Yugoslav Bf-109 factory numbers
- WW11 Memorabilia
- Me 262 drawings, document, reports +++
- LW losses on December 6th 1944 again 15.USAAF
- Need info about Horst Forbig of 2./JG54
- Jagdgruppe Drontheim. Lt. Werner Fricke(KIA) 29.11 1941
- Lake Josnvatnet Ju88/He111 loses
- P-38 Identity
- Pilot Identities ???
- Photos +
- late Fw 190D types and prototypes
- Flugbuch Egon Neumann
- crash German fighter on 11/12 August 1942 in Scheldt river
- Photos
- German pilots straffing civilians in France and England 1940
- NDH Ju-52/3m
- Herbert Findeisen
- Help with Luftwaffe Photo Album
- Photos +
- General Werner Funck
- Tagesabschlussmeldung IV. Fl. Korps. 1.8.43 help please
- BoBT&N question to Peter Cornwell
- Luftwaffe casualties in Ireland 1940
- FW190 Encounter
- looking for help about 8th AAf 3rd Bomb Division
- Air combat Italy April '44
- Tracking Ed West
- Fw 190 Werknummer 430700
- Lt. Hans-Ludwig Löscher
- Staffelführer and Staffelkapitän
- Major Lent February 1944
- Inconsistancy in quoted Me 109 G6 performance?
- So, was there a JU-88 G-7??
- I./JG 2 in Italy: February-April 1944
- 1./ Seenotstaffel Brest Süd 1940
- Me 109 stick forces
- First Combat use of SD-2&SD 10 by German?
- Photos, part one 1/15/05
- Photos +, part two 1/15/05
- Josef Veltjens
- Air attack on Jafü Süd Frankreich
- Loss He.111 KG53 (KG3?) on 25th November 1944
- Stukas (?) on 10 July 1940
- Me-262 shoot down
- Me 410 at ZG 76
- Luftwaffe Flight Pay
- Flugzeugfuehrerabzeichen
- Leutnant Helmich Landwehr KG76
- He 177 shot down over eastern Poland - next part
- Junkers JU87G-1 "Tank Buster"
- Entering names when searching German war graves website etc.
- Fw 190 D-9, <4-+-
- look for an email address
- Photos 1-18-05
- D Day fighter bomber attack?
- Losses of 9./JG 53, 2 October 1944
- Peter Schmoll
- Olt Hans Marquardt
- German Actor Hannes Stelzer-KIA Dec 27,1944
- Photos+ 1-19-05
- Feldpostnummer
- 10 (Pz)./SG 9 Claim Data
- Reasons of crash: 9./SG 10 (Uffz. Fahnert&Fw. Riebicke)
- Hptm Friedrich Brock 8./JG 54
- JG26 losses on 5.12.1940
- Spitfire Hurricane V the BF109e
- KG 30 Losses Sep 39-Mar 40
- Fw190 losses over Austria 5th April 1945
- Photos 1-20-05
- Question to Staffelemblem of 6./KG 200 (Mistel)
- FW-190 losses of JG-300 @ 14.2.1945
- Luftwaffe Executive Positions
- Identity of FW190 and Me109 losses March 1944
- Information required on Luftwaffe pilot killed 1943
- Why did 3 JD relocate;compromise of Market Garden?
- JG 27 combat over Greece, November 1943
- Photos 1-21-05
- He111 KG54 21/05/1940
- Blohm und Voss test pilot Reuth (Me 262)
- Stuka in Aeroplane II/05. Nice Story and Plenty Errors!
- Luftwaffe in Austria
- Stab/IV. Fliegerkorps + ???
- Ju88 of Ergänzungskampfgruppe 4 (ErgKGr 4) loss 04.40?
- Bf 109 K-4 & MK108 "pressluft" filling point
- FW 190 landing gear servicing question - please help
- Photos + 1-22-05
- He 177 and 277 performance difference
- Which unit sank HMS Diamond and Wryneck on April 27, 1941??
- Arado 234 raid on Philips factory
- Jan Mayen
- Klaus Scheer and Helmut Dahms of NJG 100
- Can anyone ID this FW unit ?
- Bulgarian Ar 196 A-3
- Photos 1-24-05
- Luftwaffe Rank Question[s]
- Wealdon Aviation Group
- Luftwaffe researcher and archeologist in Austria...
- 8./NJG2 ,Lanc loss 20/21 July 1944
- Staffel Kapitaen I/KG 30
- 9./KG1 - any idea of a good reference
- A strange Bf 109E...
- looking for pictures of Me 410 with ZG76
- Help identify emblem on Bf 110
- Which Me262 downed B-26 (LT Sanders) on 04/20/45 (Memmingen)
- HE70 TR+??
- Photos 1-26-05
- Upcoming book on Miracle Weapons
- Use of Fi 156 Storch
- Luftwaffe Losses 21 Jan 44
- LW losses in Internet
- Me 262s obtained and studied by France – information?
- Me 262 photo reference
- Horten flying wing resource
- Adolf Dickfeld and Hajo Hermann
- Me 262 + other photos + 1-27-05
- Source
- Strike Photos seeked
- 1 Seestaffel
- crew Ju 88A-5 of 3.(F)/33
- Unknown Luftwaffe units - help needed...
- airfield question
- Me262 - Jg 7 / Flying Fortress / april 1945
- Death of Jürgen Brocke 4./JG 77 in Sept, 1942
- Info on JG 26 shoot down of B-17 in 1942
- Photos 1-29-05
- 1/KG 30 Loss 1 Jan 40
- Schwadorf Airfield
- Photos 1-30-05
- FW190a-3 /A4 AGr123 in France 1943 1944.
- Der Funkaufklärungs Dienst, detailled organization.
- Four-Bladed Ju 88's
- Me-262 losses the 21st February 1945.
- Photos + 1-31-05
- Free Russian Units in the Luftwaffe ?
- HMS Waterfly
- Many thanks
- Channel loss
- Luftwaffe Color Profiles
- Italian pilot Vito Rinaldi
- Naxburg, the real story.
- Photos 2-2-05
- Need help about Austrian Air Force Fw-58s.
- Scheuch-Schlepper restoration: color question
- Photos 2-3-05
- The remarkable William Tex Ash, 24 March '42
- Air Attack On Fort William, 1940
- Loss Ju.88 9./KG30 (KG3?) on 19th April 1944
- Luftwaffe Losses - Specific days Battle of Britain
- Status of JFV Vol 9 from the team of Dr. Prien
- Luftwaffe Pilot Hans-Rudolf Wagner
- Escuadrilla Azul Information Requested
- What's camouflage for these 109 ??
- Heinkel He111 H-16 and H-20
- ME 109 G lost 1944
- B-24 "Dwatted Wabbit" lost 12 July 1944
- Photos 2-5-05
- KG 51 targets 22.06.1941?
- Norwegian Ju88/He111 colours - Grey or Black/Green