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  1. 1st Luft Post Ruy? & Me-262 chasing P-51
  2. Bob Rinder
  3. Hs 126 with bomb rack
  4. Captured P-47 - Beetle
  5. The Final Air Battles over Germany
  6. Units launching V-1s against UK
  7. Erich Hartmann vs. P-51
  8. Order of Battle 1938
  9. Jagdgeschwader 52 4th staffel
  10. Bf 109 of IV./JG 27 Bodenplatte
  11. Photos
  12. Leutnant Erick Bodendieck, 4./JG 53
  13. Stuka losses Rhodes
  14. JU-52/3m Turkish airliner
  15. Luftwaffe Reaction re: African American Pilots?
  16. Horridoh again
  17. Losses FW 190D-9 WNr 210246
  18. Hauptmann Wilhelm Enßlen, Stab II/JG 52, MIA, 02.11.40.
  19. Uffz Richard ERNST, 9./StG 2, KIA 22 May 1940
  20. Leutnant Helmuth Klinker 3./JG 77
  21. Photos (28-12-2004)
  22. Fw190A-8 4./JG.1 red 2,3,10
  23. Did Luft Victory Verification become stricter during WWII?
  24. HE-219 and DB 603G Engines
  25. Romanian pilot photos +
  26. Luftwaffe over Normandy
  27. Contact Fritz Tegtmeier
  28. Missing losses reported 03.03.45 available online!
  29. One Loss at Eastern Front Werknummer 10438
  30. Fliegerfuehrer Atlantik
  31. SAAF Liberator lost in Italy March '45
  32. Halifax bombed over Montorgueil 25/6/44
  33. Hs 126 rammed by LaGG-3 28.06.42
  34. accesibility of this forum
  35. Ofw. Rudolph Mangelsdorf
  36. Martin Harlinghausen
  37. Luftwaffe airgunners 1940
  38. LW flugzeugführer/'Lehrer' Ordensburg(Wewelsburg?)
  39. On posting photos
  40. Lt. Bender of JG6 (Fw 190 D-9)
  41. Information on Luftwaffe War Correspondent.
  42. Photos (31-12-2004)
  43. Luftwaffe Flak units
  44. Fritz Kruse
  45. KG 200 and Operation “Iron Hammer”
  47. A few photos + (01-01-2005)
  48. FW 190F ACE
  49. Unternehmen Bodenplatte 60th Year Anniversary!
  50. FW 190 possibly 'Gelbe 3'
  51. FW 190 Recovered recently
  52. Photos +
  53. More info about this Bf109G-6 Trop?
  54. Nikolaus von Siegert - New book in Brasil, Luftwaffe pilot.
  55. He 162: Two P-47 Air Victories??
  56. Photos of german airfields in France during BoB?
  57. Fw 190 A-8 and D-9 ordnance
  58. Me262 captured by British troops
  59. Avia B-534 flight data needed
  60. identification of 6Z+NP
  61. Bob Rinder is OK : to reassure Richard T. Eger
  62. Fi 103RIV (BAPC91 W/Nr 6/2080) Piloted Flying Bomb
  63. Sonnder oder Frontreparatür betrieb
  64. New Bf109e aviation art, comments?
  65. Photos
  66. Stab NJG3 - DA+FA (?) went down 31.12.1944 over Belgium
  67. anyone have the Rechlin 190A4 test chart?
  68. I./SG 77 base in October 1944
  69. The Day of Armagedon - 22 VI 41
  70. Fw 190 Foto Identification
  71. Joachim Jabs and his Bf 110's
  72. gold kordel
  73. Do.17 of II/KG2
  74. Photo of He 162
  75. Strange parts from Me 210?
  76. Publ. date for Junkers Flugtriebwerke by Müller, R
  77. Oblt Philipps, I/KG 30
  78. Me 109 photos +
  79. jagdflieger?
  80. Do.17 of II/KG2
  81. Ju 88 serial number block 140000,141000,142000,144000
  82. Bf109G-14
  83. Looking for Maj. WALTER SIEMENS
  84. Unclaimed Ju88 losses in the Battle of Britain
  85. Photos +
  86. Hptm. Werner Thierfelder - Gruppenkommandeur II./ZG 26 ?
  87. German military cemetery in Trondheim - help needed
  88. Superb items on eBay He177 etc
  89. Star of Africa Claims
  90. Looking for links about German Short Range Recon Units
  91. Looking for links about German a/c Losses in Balkan campaign
  92. Yugoslav Bf-109 factory numbers
  93. WW11 Memorabilia
  94. Me 262 drawings, document, reports +++
  95. LW losses on December 6th 1944 again 15.USAAF
  96. Need info about Horst Forbig of 2./JG54
  97. Jagdgruppe Drontheim. Lt. Werner Fricke(KIA) 29.11 1941
  98. Lake Josnvatnet Ju88/He111 loses
  99. P-38 Identity
  100. Pilot Identities ???
  101. Photos +
  102. late Fw 190D types and prototypes
  103. Flugbuch Egon Neumann
  104. crash German fighter on 11/12 August 1942 in Scheldt river
  105. Photos
  106. German pilots straffing civilians in France and England 1940
  107. NDH Ju-52/3m
  108. Herbert Findeisen
  109. Help with Luftwaffe Photo Album
  110. Photos +
  111. General Werner Funck
  112. Tagesabschlussmeldung IV. Fl. Korps. 1.8.43 help please
  113. BoBT&N question to Peter Cornwell
  114. Luftwaffe casualties in Ireland 1940
  115. FW190 Encounter
  116. looking for help about 8th AAf 3rd Bomb Division
  117. Air combat Italy April '44
  118. Tracking Ed West
  119. Fw 190 Werknummer 430700
  120. Lt. Hans-Ludwig Löscher
  121. Staffelführer and Staffelkapitän
  122. Major Lent February 1944
  123. Inconsistancy in quoted Me 109 G6 performance?
  124. So, was there a JU-88 G-7??
  125. I./JG 2 in Italy: February-April 1944
  126. 1./ Seenotstaffel Brest Süd 1940
  127. Me 109 stick forces
  128. First Combat use of SD-2&SD 10 by German?
  129. Photos, part one 1/15/05
  130. Photos +, part two 1/15/05
  131. Josef Veltjens
  132. Air attack on Jafü Süd Frankreich
  133. Loss He.111 KG53 (KG3?) on 25th November 1944
  134. Stukas (?) on 10 July 1940
  135. Me-262 shoot down
  136. Me 410 at ZG 76
  137. Luftwaffe Flight Pay
  138. Flugzeugfuehrerabzeichen
  139. Leutnant Helmich Landwehr KG76
  141. He 177 shot down over eastern Poland - next part
  142. Junkers JU87G-1 "Tank Buster"
  143. Entering names when searching German war graves website etc.
  144. Fw 190 D-9, <4-+-
  145. look for an email address
  146. Photos 1-18-05
  147. D Day fighter bomber attack?
  148. Losses of 9./JG 53, 2 October 1944
  149. Peter Schmoll
  150. Olt Hans Marquardt
  151. German Actor Hannes Stelzer-KIA Dec 27,1944
  152. Photos+ 1-19-05
  153. Feldpostnummer
  154. 10 (Pz)./SG 9 Claim Data
  155. Reasons of crash: 9./SG 10 (Uffz. Fahnert&Fw. Riebicke)
  156. Hptm Friedrich Brock 8./JG 54
  157. JG26 losses on 5.12.1940
  158. Spitfire Hurricane V the BF109e
  159. KG 30 Losses Sep 39-Mar 40
  160. Fw190 losses over Austria 5th April 1945
  161. Photos 1-20-05
  162. Question to Staffelemblem of 6./KG 200 (Mistel)
  163. FW-190 losses of JG-300 @ 14.2.1945
  164. Luftwaffe Executive Positions
  165. Identity of FW190 and Me109 losses March 1944
  166. Information required on Luftwaffe pilot killed 1943
  167. Why did 3 JD relocate;compromise of Market Garden?
  168. JG 27 combat over Greece, November 1943
  169. Photos 1-21-05
  170. He111 KG54 21/05/1940
  171. Blohm und Voss test pilot Reuth (Me 262)
  172. Stuka in Aeroplane II/05. Nice Story and Plenty Errors!
  173. Luftwaffe in Austria
  174. Stab/IV. Fliegerkorps + ???
  175. Ju88 of Ergänzungskampfgruppe 4 (ErgKGr 4) loss 04.40?
  176. Bf 109 K-4 & MK108 "pressluft" filling point
  177. FW 190 landing gear servicing question - please help
  178. Photos + 1-22-05
  179. He 177 and 277 performance difference
  180. Which unit sank HMS Diamond and Wryneck on April 27, 1941??
  181. Arado 234 raid on Philips factory
  182. Jan Mayen
  183. Klaus Scheer and Helmut Dahms of NJG 100
  184. Can anyone ID this FW unit ?
  185. Bulgarian Ar 196 A-3
  186. Photos 1-24-05
  187. Luftwaffe Rank Question[s]
  188. Wealdon Aviation Group
  189. Luftwaffe researcher and archeologist in Austria...
  190. 8./NJG2 ,Lanc loss 20/21 July 1944
  191. Staffel Kapitaen I/KG 30
  192. 9./KG1 - any idea of a good reference
  193. A strange Bf 109E...
  194. looking for pictures of Me 410 with ZG76
  195. Help identify emblem on Bf 110
  196. Which Me262 downed B-26 (LT Sanders) on 04/20/45 (Memmingen)
  197. HE70 TR+??
  198. Photos 1-26-05
  199. Upcoming book on Miracle Weapons
  200. Use of Fi 156 Storch
  201. Luftwaffe Losses 21 Jan 44
  202. LW losses in Internet
  203. Me 262s obtained and studied by France – information?
  204. Me 262 photo reference
  205. Horten flying wing resource
  206. Adolf Dickfeld and Hajo Hermann
  207. Me 262 + other photos + 1-27-05
  208. Source
  209. Strike Photos seeked
  210. 1 Seestaffel
  211. crew Ju 88A-5 of 3.(F)/33
  212. Unknown Luftwaffe units - help needed...
  213. airfield question
  214. Me262 - Jg 7 / Flying Fortress / april 1945
  215. Death of Jürgen Brocke 4./JG 77 in Sept, 1942
  216. Info on JG 26 shoot down of B-17 in 1942
  217. Photos 1-29-05
  218. 1/KG 30 Loss 1 Jan 40
  219. Schwadorf Airfield
  220. Photos 1-30-05
  221. FW190a-3 /A4 AGr123 in France 1943 1944.
  222. Der Funkaufklärungs Dienst, detailled organization.
  223. Four-Bladed Ju 88's
  224. Me-262 losses the 21st February 1945.
  225. Photos + 1-31-05
  226. Free Russian Units in the Luftwaffe ?
  227. HMS Waterfly
  228. Many thanks
  229. Channel loss
  230. Luftwaffe Color Profiles
  231. Italian pilot Vito Rinaldi
  232. Naxburg, the real story.
  233. Photos 2-2-05
  234. Need help about Austrian Air Force Fw-58s.
  235. Scheuch-Schlepper restoration: color question
  236. Photos 2-3-05
  237. The remarkable William Tex Ash, 24 March '42
  238. Air Attack On Fort William, 1940
  239. Loss Ju.88 9./KG30 (KG3?) on 19th April 1944
  240. Luftwaffe Losses - Specific days Battle of Britain
  241. Status of JFV Vol 9 from the team of Dr. Prien
  242. Luftwaffe Pilot Hans-Rudolf Wagner
  243. Escuadrilla Azul Information Requested
  244. What's camouflage for these 109 ??
  245. Heinkel He111 H-16 and H-20
  246. ME 109 G lost 1944
  247. B-24 "Dwatted Wabbit" lost 12 July 1944
  248. Photos 2-5-05
  249. KG 51 targets 22.06.1941?
  250. Norwegian Ju88/He111 colours - Grey or Black/Green