View Full Version : Bf 110 claims in 1940

27th November 2015, 11:39

Has a list of the Bf 110 claims in 1940 ever been published?
Thanks to Jochen Prien et al, we have all we need regarding the Bf 109 claims but about nothing regarding the Zerstörer.



Chris Goss
27th November 2015, 13:19
There is no one comprehensive list but some have been published by unit (I have I, II/ZG 76 and V(Z)/LG 1) but there are gaps. Did you get my response about Kadow?

Larry Hickey
27th November 2015, 19:00

I've posted about this before on the TOCH Board.In addition to what Chris lists above, the victory claims of I./ZG1 and III./ZG26 are also known. What we don't have, except for fragmentary info from individual pilots (mostly via FBs) are II./ZG1, Stab and I./ZG2, Stab, I and II./ZG26, I./ZG52, and III./ZG76. These apparently were lost during the war and since then to my knowledge no comprehensive lists for any of them have ever surfaced. As Chris says, we have V(Z)/LG1, but are actually missing comprehensive info for 14.(V)/LG1 during 1940, although we have data from some individual pilots.

If anyone can provide any further info on any of these, I'd very much appreciate hearing from you. This is one of the highest priority subjects for the EoE Project "Wish List." Even if you only have partial info from an individual pilot, it would be helpful.